FSX 737 Captain - Auckland STAR Arrival

Preview737 Captain - Auckland STAR Arrival. FSX training mission. Pass your '737 Captain' checkride by flying the STAR arrival and ILS landing at Auckland International Airport at the top of New Zealand's North Island in challenging IFR conditions. This is an expert level mission and a good understandin...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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737 Captain - Auckland STAR Arrival. FSX training mission. Pass your '737 Captain' checkride by flying the STAR arrival and ILS landing at Auckland International Airport at the top of New Zealand's North Island in challenging IFR conditions. This is an expert level mission and a good understanding of IFR procedures is required, however there is a link to a step by step pictorial guide on how to fly this arrival and ILS approach in the overview and read me files. Approach charts are supplied. For FSX Acceleration. By Rob Sitter.

737 Captain - Auckland STAR Arrival.

737 Captain - Auckland STAR Arrival.

For FSX Accelration Only!!!

Required Scenery.

Required Aircraft SKins (Supplied).
'737 Captain' - By Jon Murchison for the FSX Default Boeing 737-800.


Installation of Mission:
Unzip to a location of your choice (My Docs)
Copy the folder named '737 Captain Auckland STAR's' to the FSX...Missions/Airline Pilot folder
Copy the file named NZAA1.RWD to the FSX...Rewards folder
Copy the file named NZAA2.RWD to the FSX...Rewards folder
Copy the file named NZAA3.RWD to the FSX...Rewards folder

Training Aid
See the Mission section on the ARNZ X Forum for a step by step pictorial guide.

Author: ROB SITTER (KA-018)

This file is FREEWARE it must not be sold, included on a CD(without permission) or uploaded to any site that charges for downloads.

737 Captain - Auckland STAR Arrival.

737 Captain - Auckland STAR Arrival.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive 737_auc.zip has 38 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
aaa.FLT06.14.0810.69 kB
aaa.WX06.14.08210.79 kB
aaa.xml06.14.0819.75 kB
Charts.htm06.07.081.14 kB
Charts_Tab.htm06.10.085.45 kB
Details.htm06.14.082.62 kB
Details_Tab.htm06.10.085.44 kB
images06.20.080 B
Charts_01.jpg06.06.08117.76 kB
Charts_02.jpg06.06.08109.32 kB
Charts_03.jpg06.07.08161.03 kB
Charts_04.jpg06.14.08145.39 kB
Overview_01.jpg06.07.0819.62 kB
Thumbs.db06.14.0829.00 kB
imgM_c.bmp06.08.0885.35 kB
imgM_i.bmp06.07.0887.17 kB
NZAA_Kneeboard.htm06.14.084.49 kB
Overview.htm06.13.083.25 kB
Overview_Tab.htm06.10.085.44 kB
Sound06.13.080 B
1.wav06.13.08114.43 kB
2.wav06.13.0873.49 kB
3.wav06.13.0870.06 kB
4.wav06.13.0847.40 kB
ARNZXFRONTMUSIC.wav06.03.081.60 MB
NZDN2.RWD06.13.08465.07 kB
NZDN3.RWD06.13.08460.39 kB
readme_dun_rwd.txt06.13.08207 B
ARNZ X Captain 737 skin.zip06.02.08979.09 kB
1.jpg06.13.0894.08 kB
3.jpg06.13.0860.93 kB
Thumb.jpg06.13.088.23 kB
NZAA1.RWD06.07.08364.85 kB
NZAA2.RWD06.13.08460.40 kB
NZAA3.RWD06.13.08465.07 kB
Readme.txt06.20.081.70 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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