FSX EGNM Leeds Bradford Scenery

PreviewEGNM Leeds Bradford with AFCAD. Revision 1 of Leeds Bradford UK airport AFCAD and scenery. The airport has been redrawn with accurate aprons and parking. Blends with VFR scenery. Addition of many features and changes to the jetways - all the changes fully explained in the Readme file. You will re...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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733.81 KB
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Rated 4 out of 5 stars by 1 PRO members.

EGNM Leeds Bradford with AFCAD. Revision 1 of Leeds Bradford UK airport AFCAD and scenery. The airport has been redrawn with accurate aprons and parking. Blends with VFR scenery. Addition of many features and changes to the jetways - all the changes fully explained in the Readme file. You will require Rwy12 Objects Library to view all the scenery but can be used without. By David Diggory.

EGNM Leeds Bradford Scenery.

EGNM Leeds Bradford Scenery.


1) Revised new parking to south of terminal to take out previous guesswork - the parking now is accurate to the real EGNM taken from more recent arial photography images and correct numbering of the 6 additional parking spaces.
2) Addition of fuel ramp and various apron changes to change surface to that in the real EGNM including asphalt bordering of runways 14-32 and turning bays.
3) Revised taxi signs and addition of parking for small general aircraft on west side of terminal.
4) Addition of two more hangars on west side of terminal.
5) Removal of the third jetway (does not exixt in the real EGNM).
6) Some minor changes to lighting and objects.
7) Helipads moved to correct locations and resized to correct locations.
8) Adjustments to taxiways and parking aprons to closely match Horizon VFR scenery - this has involved almost a complete re-drawing of the airport layout.

1) The addition of the grass aprons to the south of taxiway 'D' has been necessary to level the terrain in these areas.
2) You will need to have 'Runway 12' and the libraries to view all objects - this is freeware. The basic program file is called rwy12_v1.1.zip and is available at Avsim.com. Runway 12 home page: http://www.rwy12.com/rwy12/. I would also recommend downloading the FAQ that goes through the installation step by step (FSX SDK required to use the program).

The old runway 09-27 is now used as a taxiway - I have designated letter 'N' to this as the real designation is unknown to me.


After unzipping to a folder of your choice you will find three files:-

1) This Readme file
2) EGNM Poles.bgl [This adds the hangars, objects and some light poles to the parking aprons]
3) Leeds Bradford EGNM.bgl [This changes the ramps, parking, runways and taxiways and adds the jetways - AFCAD style!)
4) 5 Screenshots - LBA1 to 5
5) Leeds2gif.gif


A) If you downloaded Rev 0 then replace the two files EGNM Poles.bgl and EGNM Leeds Bradford.bgl in your FSX\Addon Scenery\Scenery folder with the two new files (2 & 3 above).

B) If you DID NOT download Rev 0 then place both files 2 & 3 (above) in your ..Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\scenery folder.

That's it - next time you start the simulator the scenery library databse will rebuild and you are ready to fly!.

Thanks for downloading my second attempt at improving my local airport EGNM (Leeds Bradford).

This is by not intended to be an accurate rendition of EGNM (although much better than the first attempt!) - I just used my limited experience with a couple of programs to try and make EGNM a little more realistic and hope others can enjoy the changes. The airport will closely match up with the Horizon VFR Scenery - should work without this but not tested.

Thanks to creators of Runway 12 Object Placer and FSX Planner.

Use at your own risk - if required to uninstall just delete the two files added above.

Author David Diggory (UK - Leeds)

EGNM Leeds Bradford Scenery.

EGNM Leeds Bradford Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive egnm_r1.zip has 12 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Readme.txt03.02.083.69 kB
EGNM Poles.BGL03.02.082.01 kB
Leeds Bradford EGNM.bgl03.02.0829.87 kB
leeds2gif.gif03.02.084.58 kB
LBA1.jpg03.02.08218.31 kB
LBA2.jpg03.02.08105.70 kB
LBA3.jpg03.02.08109.11 kB
LBA4.jpg03.02.08130.83 kB
LBA5.jpg03.02.08113.63 kB
EGNM_AFCAD_R1.jpg03.02.0895.08 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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theflyingleedsfanWed, 15 Jul 2020 18:34:56 GMT

I love that this exists, but I had a load of houses and trees spawned on the taxiway :(

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