FSX California Central Coast Scenery

PreviewCalifornia Central Coast Scenery (CA). Scenery covering the area from Paso Robles in the north to Santa Barbara in the south with about 22 points of interest. This is the same area covered by the FS2004 CCC scenery. By Al Wheeler. (See also CCCFSXR1.ZIP).

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California Central Coast Scenery (CA). Scenery covering the area from Paso Robles in the north to Santa Barbara in the south with about 22 points of interest. This is the same area covered by the FS2004 CCC scenery. By Al Wheeler. (See also CCCFSXR1.ZIP).

California Central Coast Scenery.

California Central Coast Scenery.

I'm considering this release to be a work in progress. There are several things I either haven't figured out to do in FSX or just haven't explored in depth yet. At this point I have enjoyed flying the scenery and thought I'd release it in the hopes that someone else might also.

Some features of this scenery are an improvement over the FS9 version. There are other aspects that I'm not satisfied with. They are:
No night ramp ground lighting
A few structures reverted from custom to default due to transparency issues.
No custom CCC specific water traffic. Default only which tend to run into things.

There are a few prerequisites to be met for this scenery to display properly. (See NOTES below for comments)

with at least SP1 installed
Modified Terrain.CFG (See NOTES below)
US FSGLC (Genesis) Landclass
Genesis Mesh terrain V2
Mesh slider setting of 10

Readme.DOC DOC format description
Readme.TXT TXT format description
File_ID.DIZ Short description
CCCFSX.GIF SBA Terminal Thumbnail pic
License.TXT Conditions of use
CCCFSXMAP.JPG Simple map of CCCoast area
EFFECTS 14 FX files

This scenery is freeware and may be freely circulated except for profit.


There are several ways to install the files. Shown below is the way I believe is the easiest. Your FSX drive and path is probably different than mine so I do not show the entire path below. If you used the default FSX installation path , where I indicate "FSX" you would use "Flight Simulator FSX" directory. In any case, it's where the FSX.EXE is located.

1) Install the modified Terrain.CFG per the instructions in the fsx_modified_terrain_cfg.ZIP file you downloaded.

2) Unzip all the files from CCCFSX.ZIP into a temporary directory. Be sure to allow extraction of pathnames (directories). You will see that several directories have been created in the temporary directory: CCCFSX with subdirectories SCENERY and TEXTURE and CCCAFD and CCCLC each with only a SCENERY subdirectory and EFFECTS with no subdirectory.

3) Open Windows Explorer and drag the CCCFSX, CCCLC and CCCAFD directories into your FSX\ADDON SCENERY directory. Then drag the EFFECTS directory into your FSX directory. For the latter you could just copy the 14 FX files into your FSX\EFFECTS directory if you'd rather.

4) Start FSX and from the World, Scenery Library screen select Add Area and add the CCCAFD afd, CCCLC landclass, and CCCFSX scenery files that are now located in the FSX\ADDON SCENERY directory.

5) Insure that the CCCFSX scenery and CCCLC landclass scenery have a higher priority (smaller number) than any other Land Class or Mesh Terrain (i.e. Genesis) scenery. Also IMPORTANT: assign a LOWER priority to the CCCAFD scenery than the CCCFSX scenery. To be safe here, just give CCCFSX, CCCLC, and CCCAFD priority 1, 2, and 3 respectively. This will in no way affect any other FS scenery.

6) Install the library BGL and textures for ga_planes_1. This library can be placed in an appropriately entitled scenery directory in the FSX\Addon Scenery directory also. Be sure and add this into the Scenery Library. Priority assignment should be lower (i.e. 4) than the CCCAFD scenery installed above or these AI A/C will be excluded.

7) Set the Mesh resolution setting to 10 in the Options, Settings, Display, Scenery screen.

8) This completes the installation of the CCC scenery.


Genesis landclass improves the look of the area greatly but is not strictly required.
Genesis mesh V2 plus a mesh resolution slider setting of 10 is required for proper display of coastlines, high sites, etc.

The Modified Terrain.CFG is essential. Without it much of the CCC coastlines will have no detailed surf lines. It should be noted that the Terrain.CFG reverts to the default when SP1 and SP2 are installed and has to be replaced with the modified terrain.cfg following each of the SP1 and SP2 installations.

ga_Planes_1, although created for FS9, are required for many static A/C to display. These are low FPS impact objects.

This scenery was not created with any other 3rd party scenery enhancements installed beyond the Genesis mesh and landclass. It is my intention to update the scenery if required in the future to be compatible with some 3rd party enhancements I have on my shopping list.

Most of this scenery is set to Very Sparse. Static aircraft and many of the ground vehicles are set to Dense so they can be turned off if FPS are an issue. Static aircraft scenery BGL files are an easily identifiable 8 files (ACXXX.BGL) and could be placed into a separate scenery directory if desired for additional control as long as they have a higher priority (smaller number) than CCCAFD to avoid exclusion.

Static AC: DENSE, NORMAL to kill
Cars at airports: NORMAL, SPARSE to kill
All Else: VERY_SPARSE, can't kill (Immortal)
The CCCAFD files (AFX2_XXXX.BGL) files that contain airport data are used also for many ground textures, markings, exclusions, etc. in and around airports. I also used closed taxiways unconventionally to create some purely visual effects (roads, lines, etc.) that will appear as errors if the AFX Fault Finder is run which might be confusing. Overriding, removal and/or some modifications of those files would probably make an interesting mess of the CCC FSX scenery.

MSL elevations may vary from real life a little here and there to accommodate the need to have flat terrain for runways and to better fit FSX terrain.

I exercised my exclusive powers and took a few liberties here and there. The dam at Cachuma Lake isn't really a concrete structure. It's actually an earthen dam. The default dam it isn't terrible and it's better with the Genesis V2 mesh but I gave up trying to make it look earthen without scary looking lumps and bumps so I used a FSX revised version of the concrete dam I used in the FS9 version of CCC.

I took some liberties also at VBG. The Saturn V of course never launched from there and, though VBG is equipped for it as an alternate, the space shuttle never landed there. The buffs probably are out of place also. Everywhere else I tried to conform a bit better.


Paso Robles PRB 836' MSL, N35° 39.98', W120° 38.12' :
The field has two uncontrolled runways. PRB VORTAC is located between the runways. AM Radio KPRL can be used for ADF by tuning in 1230 KHz.
PRB Area NavAids/Comm:
UNICOM 123.00 MHz
ASOS 132.17 MHz
Paso Robles VORTAC 114.30 MHz PRB on the field
Priest VOR 110.00 MHz ROM 342 Deg. 28NM
AM Radio 1230 KHz KPRL

Morro Bay 0' MSL N35° 21.97', W120° 51.67' :
Includes the volcanic plug dome Morro Rock, the Duke steam power plant, golf course, waterfront and several static boats in the bay. No NavAids or airport but the bay is great for float plane operations in FlightSim.

Hearst Castle 1,346' MSL, N35° 41.05', W121° 10.15' :
The Castle buildings are all default FSX but relocated and landscaped on a flattened plot.
San Luis Obispo SBP 212' MSL, N35° 13.97', W120° 37.99' :
SBP has two controlled runways with an ILS system for runway 11 with an outer marker. AM radio station KVEC is available for ADF.
SBP Area NavAids/Comm:
ILS/OM 11 109.70 MHz I-SBP
CT 124.00 MHz San Luis Tower
Ground Control 121.60 MHz San Luis Ground
ATIS 120.60 MHz San Luis Obispo
AM Radio 920 KHz KVEC
Morro Bay VORTAC 112.40 MHz MQO 263 Deg. 6NM

Oceano L52 14' MSL, San Luis Bay and Avila N35° 5.98', W120° 37.14' :
Oceano is an uncontrolled single runway field. There are no NavAids available. Following the coast to the north of the field you fly over Avila Beach, Port San Luis, San Luis Obispo lighthouse at Point San Luis and the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant around the Point to the North.
L52 Comm:
UNICOM 122.70 MHz
AM Radio(Arroyo Grande) 1280 KHz KXTX

Santa Maria SMX 261' MSL, N34° 53.61' W120° 28.07' :
Santa Maria is 55NM south of San Luis Obispo. The airport at Santa Maria has two controlled runways and an ILS/DME system for runway 12 with a middle and outer marker. Guadalupe VOR is located about 4NM off the approach end of the ILS runway.
SMX NavAids/Comm:
ILS/DME/MM/OM 12 108.90 MHz I-SMX
CT 118.30 MHz Santa Maria Tower
Ground Control 121.90 MHz Santa Maria Ground
ATIS 121.15 MHz Santa Maria
Guadalupe VOR 111.00 MHz GLJ 298 Deg. 4NM
AM Radio 1240 KHz KSMA

Lompoc LPC 88' MSL, N34° 39.93' W120° 28.49' :
About 14NM south of Santa Maria is the town and airport of Lompoc. The single runway is uncontrolled.
LPC NavAids/Comm:
UNICOM 122.70 MHz
AWOS 133.87 MHz Lompoc
AM Radio 1410 KHz KTME
Vandenberg Air Force Base VBG 369' MSL, N34° 43.37', W120° 34.06' :
VBG is located about 6NM northwest of Lompoc. VBG has an ILS for both ends of the single 15,000 foot controlled concrete runway with middle markers only. There is a TACAN adjacent to the runway. Only the DME portion of the TACAN is available in FSX. Tuning a VOR receiver to 112.25 MHz will tune the TACAN to channel 59y and make the DME available.
VBG NavAids/Comm:
ILS/MM 12 110.10 MHz I-BVD
ILS/MM 30 110.10 MHz I-VBG
CT 124.95 MHz Vandenberg Tower
Ground Control 121.75 MHz Vandenberg Ground
Arrivals 121.40 MHz Vandenberg Approach
TACAN Ch59y 112.25 MHz/Ch 59y VBG on the field

Santa Ynez IZA 671' MSL, N34° 36.38', W120° 4.25' :
Santa Ynez has a single uncontrolled runway. It is 26NM east of Vandenberg AFB, NW of Santa Barbara and west of Lake Cachuma. Two small private strips nearby are Crawford 0CA3 N34° 35.23', W120° 0.68' and Shepard Ranch 0CA4 N34° 37.23', W120° 3.89'. Crawford is a 2100' asphalt runway that in this scenery has trees on one end and rising terrain on the other. Shepard Ranch has an approximately 3600' bumpy 2 percent west sloping runway; an experiment in this scenery. Both are interesting challenges in FSX.
IZA NavAids/Comm:
UNICOM 122.80 MHz

Santa Barbara SBA 10' MSL, N34° 25.65' W119° 51.10' :
Santa Barbara is about 16NM, southeast over the mountains from Santa Ynez. The Santa Barbara Airport has three controlled runways with an ILS/DME system on runway 7 with middle marker only. About 18NM down the coast (east actually) is the Santa Barbara Marina. Offshore are many oil rigs with landable helipads.
SBA NavAids/Comm:
ILS/DME/MM 07 110.30 MHz I-SBA
CT 119.70 MHz Santa Barbara Tower
Ground Control 121.70 MHz Santa Barbara Ground
Arrival/Depart. 120.55/125.40 MHz Santa Barbara Approach
ATIS 132.65 MHz Santa Barbara
Gaviota VORTAC 113.80 MHz GVO 281 Deg. 14NM
San Marcus VORTAC 114.90 MHz RZS 20 Deg. 6NM
AM Radio 990 KHz KTMS

Paso Robles Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR)
3553' MSL, N35° 23.70', W120° 21.25' :
This facility supplies area enroute radar coverage for Oakland and Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC).
San Luis Obispo Remote Controlled Air Ground (RCAG)
2545' MSL, N35° 19.52', W120° 36.29' :
This facility provides area enroute communications for Los Angeles and Oakland ARTCC's.

Priest Remote Controlled Air Ground (RCAG) 3839' MSL, N36° 8.23', W120° 40.05' :
This facility provides area enroute communications for Oakland ARTCC. It is located adjacent to the Priest (ROM) VOR.

Scenery for the VOR and VORTAC's that reflects their actual mountain top antenna counterpoise configurations:
Priest VOR, ROM, 3832' MSL, 110.0MHz, N36° 8.41', W120° 39.91'
Morro Bay VORTAC, MQO, 1453' MSL, 112.4MHz, N35° 15.12', W120° 45.56'
Gaviota VORTAC, GVO, 2611' MSL, 113.8MHz, N34° 31.87', W120° 5.47'
San Marcus VORTAC, RZS, 3599' MSL, 114.9MHz, N34° 30.54', W119° 46.27'


This scenery was constructed using:

SBuilderX V3.10 by Luis Sa
FS Design Studio V3.5.1 by Abacus.
AFX 1.04 and Instant Scenery by Flight One
Library Creator XML 1.2.22 by Arno Gerretsen
NewBGLAnalyze V1 by Winfried Orthmann
EZ-Landclass V3.01 by Russel Dirks
TCalcX by Dick Ludowise
FSX SDK and Virtual Earth by Microsoft
Manifold Toolbar by Manifold.net
Wave Spray FX files by Larry Silsbee
Chainlink gate textures by Michael Rodriquez

California Central Coast Scenery.

California Central Coast Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive cccfsx.zip has 237 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
AFX2_0CA4.BGL03.20.082.20 kB
AFX2_KIZA.BGL03.25.0820.68 kB
AFX2_KLPC.BGL03.26.0812.14 kB
AFX2_KPRB.BGL03.26.0836.50 kB
AFX2_KSBA.BGL03.27.0840.10 kB
AFX2_KSBP.BGL03.26.0834.06 kB
AFX2_KSMX.BGL03.27.0851.02 kB
AFX2_KVBG.BGL04.13.0823.83 kB
AFX2_L52.BGL03.26.086.22 kB
CCCFSX.gif04.25.0811.27 kB
ACIZA.BGL03.26.081004 B
ACL52.BGL03.26.08428 B
ACLPC.BGL03.26.08428 B
ACPRB.BGL03.26.081.64 kB
ACSBA.BGL03.26.082.48 kB
ACSBP.BGL03.26.081.96 kB
ACSMX.BGL04.24.081.07 kB
ACVBG.BGL03.26.08764 B
CACHUMAFX.BGL04.16.081.43 kB
CCC_LIB10B.BGL04.24.088.31 MB
CVX_GVOVORTAC.BGL03.15.081.21 kB
CVX_HEARST.BGL03.17.082.90 kB
CVX_IZATEXTURE.BGL04.25.0814.92 kB
CVX_L52TEXTURE.BGL04.17.0812.70 kB
CVX_MQOVORTAC.BGL03.15.081.49 kB
CVX_PBLIGHT.BGL04.09.081.17 kB
CVX_PRBARSR.BGL03.15.081.09 kB
CVX_ROM.BGL03.15.081.63 kB
CVX_RZSVORTAC.BGL04.24.081.50 kB
CVX_SBATEXTURE.BGL03.27.0817.19 kB
CVX_SBPRCAG.BGL03.15.081.35 kB
CVX_SLLIGHT.BGL04.09.08520 B
DIABLO.BGL02.20.082.39 kB
DIABLO_EXC.BGL05.24.07148 B
DIABLO_XML10.BGL12.23.072.53 kB
GVOVTAC.BGL03.15.08236 B
GVOVTAC_EXC.BGL06.16.07148 B
HEARST.BGL11.09.074.18 kB
HEARST_EXC.BGL06.12.07148 B
IZA_XML10.BGL11.07.071.34 kB
IZAAP.BGL04.25.086.32 kB
IZACARS.BGL11.07.071.07 kB
IZAFUEL.BGL11.21.07188 B
L52.BGL03.25.084.03 kB
L52CARS.BGL03.18.081.68 kB
L52FUEL.BGL07.27.07188 B
L52TEXTURE_TEXP.BGL04.17.081.12 kB
LPCAP.BGL03.27.082.90 kB
LPCCARS.BGL06.30.07380 B
LPCFUEL.BGL07.27.07188 B
MORRO.BGL03.31.0818.40 kB
MORRO_EXC.BGL05.30.07148 B
MORRO_XML10.BGL03.31.083.43 kB
MQOVORTAC.BGL03.05.08236 B
MQOVTAC_EXC.BGL06.18.07148 B
PBEFFECTS.BGL04.09.08201 B
PBLIGHT.BGL04.10.08764 B
PRB_XML10.BGL03.27.0813.76 kB
PRBAP.BGL03.30.084.61 kB
PRBARSR.BGL03.15.08428 B
PRBCARS.BGL04.10.071.21 kB
PRBCROWS.BGL03.14.08140 B
PRBFUEL.BGL07.27.07188 B
ROM.BGL03.15.08476 B
ROM_EXC.BGL06.13.07148 B
ROMVOR_EXC.BGL06.18.07148 B
RZSVTAC.BGL04.24.08236 B
RZSVTAC_EXC.BGL06.16.07148 B
SBA_XML10.BGL04.02.082.37 kB
SBAAP.BGL04.01.088.15 kB
SBAAPCARS.BGL03.13.0812.93 kB
SBACHAN_XML10.BGL05.15.071.98 kB
SBACST_XML10.BGL11.28.071.58 kB
SBAFUEL.BGL08.09.07284 B
SBAMARINA.BGL03.26.0827.84 kB
SBP_XML10.BGL02.10.0811.32 kB
SBPAP.BGL04.24.084.17 kB
SBPBAY_XML10.BGL03.16.087.91 kB
SBPCARS.BGL01.04.083.75 kB
SBPFUEL.BGL09.14.07284 B
SBPRCAG.BGL03.05.08332 B
SLBAY.BGL04.17.081.03 kB
SLLIGHT.BGL04.10.08476 B
SMX_XML10.BGL03.22.082.12 kB
SMXAP.BGL04.24.087.31 kB
SMXCARS.BGL04.24.085.71 kB
SMXFUEL.BGL07.27.07188 B
VBG_XML10.BGL12.11.071.14 kB
VBGAP.BGL03.27.083.93 kB
VBGCARS.BGL03.26.08380 B
VBGFUEL.BGL08.28.07188 B
AIRPTEX2.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
APBCN.BMP06.17.0785.43 kB
APSIGNS.BMP03.17.07341.43 kB
ARSR.BMP06.17.07341.43 kB
ARSRWALK.BMP06.17.07341.43 kB
BEAM.BMP10.31.0716.07 kB
BEAM_LM.BMP10.31.078.07 kB
CCCOLORS.BMP09.04.07341.43 kB
CCSIGNS.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
CCSIGNS_LM.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
CEMENT4.BMP11.25.0632.07 kB
CHECKERBOARD.BMP11.25.0664.91 kB
CIRCLE.BMP06.21.0785.43 kB
CONCDARK.BMP11.25.0665.07 kB
CONCLITE.BMP11.25.0632.07 kB
CONCRETE.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
CONCRETE_LM.BMP10.21.0742.75 kB
DECK.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
DECK2.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
DFANT.BMP11.25.0685.43 kB
DIRTLITE.BMP11.25.0665.07 kB
DISTSIGN.BMP10.17.0785.43 kB
DISTSIGN_LM.BMP11.25.0642.74 kB
DOORS1D.BMP11.25.0665.05 kB
FENCE.BMP09.19.0785.43 kB
FENCE2.BMP09.19.0785.43 kB
FIREHOUSE.BMP10.23.071.33 MB
FLATROOF_1.BMP10.28.0716.07 kB
FRSTN.BMP11.25.0686.39 kB
FRSTN_LM.BMP11.25.0686.39 kB
GRYROOF.BMP11.25.0632.07 kB
HANG11.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
HANG11G.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
HANG11W.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
HANGROOF.BMP11.25.0610.75 kB
HARBOR.BMP11.25.0665.05 kB
HELIPRT1.BMP11.25.0642.74 kB
LARGEAIRPORT.BMP10.16.07170.74 kB
LGRYROOF.BMP11.25.0642.74 kB
LIGHTING.BMP11.06.0764.07 kB
LIGHTING_LM.BMP11.06.0764.07 kB
LTGYW.BMP11.25.0642.74 kB
LTGYW_LM.BMP11.25.0642.74 kB
MROCK2CC.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
NPRBTERM.BMP11.25.06170.75 kB
NPRBTERM_LM.BMP10.20.07170.75 kB
NSBPTERM.BMP11.25.06170.75 kB
NSBPTERM_LM.BMP10.21.07170.75 kB
PATCHES.BMP10.24.07341.43 kB
PATCHES_LM.BMP10.24.07341.43 kB
PGES.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
PRBHANGNS.BMP11.25.06682.75 kB
PRBHANGNS_LM.BMP10.20.07682.75 kB
PRBJETCTR.bmp12.28.07512.07 kB
PRBJETCTR_LM.BMP12.28.07512.07 kB
PRBNORTHHANG.BMP10.26.07256.07 kB
PRBNORTHHANG_LM.BMP10.25.07256.07 kB
ROCK2.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
ROCKET.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
ROCKET_LM.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
SBATERM1.BMP11.07.071.00 MB
SBATERM1_LM.BMP11.08.071.00 MB
SBATERM2.BMP11.07.071.00 MB
SBATERM2_LM.BMP11.08.071.00 MB
SBPHNGCL.BMP11.25.06341.43 kB
SBPHNGCL_LM.BMP10.21.07341.43 kB
SBPSOHANGARS.BMP11.12.07256.07 kB
SBPTOWER.BMP10.21.07341.43 kB
SBPTOWER_LM.BMP10.21.07341.43 kB
SEGCIRCL.BMP11.25.06341.43 kB
SEGCIRCT.BMP11.25.06341.43 kB
SMXHANGAR.BMP11.06.07341.43 kB
SMXHANGAR_LM.BMP11.25.06170.75 kB
SMXHOTEL.BMP03.11.08341.43 kB
SMXHOTEL_LM.BMP11.01.07341.43 kB
SMXHOTEL2.BMP11.11.07128.07 kB
SMXHOTEL2_LM.BMP11.25.06170.75 kB
SMXJETCTR.BMP08.19.071.33 MB
SMXTERMR.BMP11.05.071.33 MB
SMXTERMR_LM.BMP11.05.071.33 MB
TARMAC.BMP11.25.0665.07 kB
TAXI1.BMP11.25.0665.07 kB
THANGARS.BMP11.25.06170.75 kB
TILEROOFFLOOR.BMP11.25.06682.75 kB
TOWER.BMP06.17.07341.43 kB
TOWER_LM.BMP11.25.06170.75 kB
TRACK.BMP06.21.07341.43 kB
TRAILERS.BMP10.29.0764.07 kB
TRAILERS_LM.BMP03.27.0885.43 kB
VAULT.BMP12.19.0732.07 kB
VORBUILDING.BMP11.25.0665.02 kB
WALL8.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
WALL8_LM.BMP11.25.0642.75 kB
CCCFSXMap.jpg04.21.08101.64 kB
CACHUMALC.bgl05.03.07344 B
GVOVTACLC.bgl06.16.07288 B
KIZALC.bgl04.23.08372 B
KPRBLC.bgl02.23.07407 B
KSBAAPLC.bgl03.17.07302 B
KSBPAPLC.bgl04.21.07581 B
LPCVBGLC.bgl04.26.07409 B
MQOVTACLC.bgl06.16.07314 B
PBLIGHTLC.bgl04.08.08288 B
PRBARSRLC.bgl06.18.07446 B
ROMLC.bgl06.17.07589 B
SMXLC.bgl03.01.07312 B
cachumaa.fx01.18.081.43 kB
cachumab.fx01.18.081.43 kB
cachumac.fx01.18.081.43 kB
cachumad.fx04.16.081.42 kB
Cntrl_fx_waves.fx01.18.08350 B
Cntrl_morspray.fx01.18.08366 B
Cntrl_morspray2.fx01.18.08367 B
Cntrl_morspray3.fx01.18.08369 B
Cntrl_morspray4.fx01.18.08366 B
diablo.fx01.18.081.42 kB
Mor_spray.fx01.18.084.23 kB
morsmok4.fx01.18.081.34 kB
morsmoke.fx01.18.081.35 kB
RigFlame.fx01.18.082.52 kB
File_ID.DIZ04.25.08242 B
License.TXT04.25.08837 B
ReadMe.DOC04.25.0817.83 kB
ReadMe.txt04.25.0813.14 kB
SBATWR.jpg04.21.0875.24 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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