FSX Detroit Metopolitan Airport Scenery

Detroit Metopolitan Wayne County Airport (KDTW), Michigan (MI), v2. Features accurate terminal assignments, improved vehicle paths, assigned cargo area, activated crosswind runways, added fuel trucks and more.

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Detroit Metopolitan Wayne County Airport (KDTW), Michigan (MI), v2. Features accurate terminal assignments, improved vehicle paths, assigned cargo area, activated crosswind runways, added fuel trucks and more.

Hi, and thanks for choosing my latest project for FSX, an improved version of my previous upload for KDTW. This is my first project using Airport Design Editor v 1.30, which is designed for use exclusively with FSX. Here is a list of the improvements which have been made:

1. Airlines accurately park at their assigned terminals. All gates for all airlines are included. All Northwest Airlines and Northwest Airlink aircraft will park at the two Mcnamara terminals. The west side of the Mcnamara Terminal has been expanded using buildings designed with Abacus' FS Design Studio to provide more parking for Northwest Airlink and includes all of the gates as listed on the airport's diagram at its web site. The jetways for Northwest Airlink aircraft have been scaled down to line up with the smaller aircraft better.

2. The vehicle paths have been redesigned, which should eliminate the problem of airport vehicles using taxiways, which can cause taxiing airplanes to come to a standstill and cause traffic to back up.

3. When in tower view, the view will be from the roof of the control tower, thanks to Airport Design Editor (ADE).

4. An assigned cargo area has been added for UPS and FedEx aircraft, and some scenry objects added with ADE.

5. Crosswind runways have been activated, which will open all six runways to airline traffic. This is an optional feature, and will be explained in the INSTALL.doc file.

6. Several fuel trucks have been added, and should serve departing aircraft quickly.

7. Settings have been changed in ADE so that all jetways will display as long as Scenery Density in FSX is set at Normal or higher.

Some Important Notes:

This file is For FSX ONLY. It will not work properly in FS9.

As a result of expanding the Macnamara Terminal for Northwest Airlink, a grassy area had to be eliminated. The same held true in a portion of the Smith Terminal. Some taxiways were moved slightly, a small part of one taxiway had to be deleted, and some taxiway signs and edge lights had to be either moved or deleted, and some new taxiway signs had to be placed. This should be only a minor issue, however.

There is a terminal area north of the Smith Terminal, which I assume is a representation of a new terminal area which does not yet exist. There were some gates assigned there, but they have been deleted.

Gate numbers at the Smith terminal had to be renamed, as some had the same name as gates at the McNamara Terminal. FSX will not accept duplicate gate numbers. If duplicate gate numbers do exist, no jetways at the airport will display.


Please read the INSTALL.doc file contained in the zip archive.


Thanks to Jon Masterson (a.k.a. Scruffy Duck) for creating and constantly improving Airport Design Editor.


Anyone who wants to edit the enclosed KDTW_FSX2.bgl file for their own use is welcome to do so, but this file is the sole property of the author, so it may not be redistributed without express permission from the author.

This scenery is entirely FREEWARE. It may not be distributed on the Internet for fees.

That's about it. I hope everyone enjoys the enhancements I have made.


The archive kdtwfsx2.zip has 7 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
kdtw_fsx_ade_cw.zip06.23.08284.63 kB
kdtw_fsx_ade.zip06.23.08284.61 kB
INSTALL.doc06.25.0884.00 kB
Readme First.txt06.25.083.44 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ07.02.08229 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

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