FSX Oil Platforms Scenery

Oil Platforms with GPS/ADF, v4.0. Includes Lafayette oil platofrm (KLFO), Galveston oil platform (KGLO), Corpus Christi oil platform (KNGO).

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Oil Platforms with GPS/ADF, v4.0. Includes Lafayette oil platofrm (KLFO), Galveston oil platform (KGLO), Corpus Christi oil platform (KNGO).

Extract To desktop, Move 3 GPS/ADF Oil Platforms V4.0 folder out of the unziped/extracted Folder to your FSX-MAIN Directory- Addon Scenery folder. Activate through the simulators Settings-Scenary Library,> Add Area> 3 GPS/ADF Oil Platforms V4.0, Click ok.

Updated file structure, moved NDB on top of Helo padS decks by request for ADF approaches.

Layafette oil platform, The airport name is Lafayette Oil Platform.(KLFO) The NDB(none directional beacon) IDENT: LOPU, frequency 477.0 Khz., NDB range 100 NM, VOR ident: LOP. Layafette Oil platform is 65 NM. South of Layafette Regl. Louisiana-KLFT.

Galveston oil platform, The airport name is Galveston oil platform. (KGLO) The NDB ident:GOPO, Frequency 396.0 Khz., range 100 NM. VOR ident: GOP. Galveston oil platform is 7 NM. South of Scholes Intl. at Galveston Texas-KGLS Carrier near the Galveston oil platform, NDB ident: GCGC, Frequency 233.0 Khz., range 100 NM. VOR ident: GCG.

Corpus Christi oil platform, The airport name is Corpus Christi oil platform. (KNGO) The NDB ident: CCOP, Frequency 391.0 Khz. NDB. range 100 NM. VOR ident: CCO. Corpus Christi oil platform is 7 NM. South of Corpus Christi NAS. Texas-KNGP

Special thanks for all parts of this Scenery, and ADE.

3 GPS/ADF oil platforms V4.0 scenerys from FSXF.


The archive oilplt40.zip has 23 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
3 GPS Oil Platforms V4.0 Read Me.txt10.14.081.52 kB
3 GPS Oil Platforms V4.010.14.080 B
3 GPS Oil Platforms V4.0 Read Me.txt10.14.081.52 kB
model (2).cfg08.22.0737 B
model.cfg08.22.0747 B
scenery10.14.080 B
KGLO_ADE_TM Galveston oil platform V4.BGL10.14.083.72 MB
KLFO_ADE_TM Layafette Oil platform V4.BGL10.14.081.01 kB
KNGO_ADE_TM Corpus Christi oli platform V4.BGL10.14.08617.18 kB
sim (2).cfg08.22.07553 B
sim.cfg08.22.07570 B
sound10.14.080 B
sound.cfg08.22.071.15 kB
soundai10.14.080 B
soundai.cfg08.22.071.15 kB
texture10.14.080 B
texture.cfg05.11.06110 B
Veh_USCG_Cutter.bmp05.20.081.00 MB
Veh_USCG_Cutter_Alpha.bmp05.20.0864.07 kB
Veh_USCG_Cutter_Alpha_LM.bmp05.20.0864.07 kB
Veh_USCG_Cutter_LM.bmp05.20.081.00 MB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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