FSX La Plata X Scenery

PreviewLa Plata X, Argentina. This is the scenery of "La Plata", Republica Argentina. This is the continuation of BsAs_x.3 toward the south, passing the city of La Plata (requires BSASX_3.ZIP). This scenery includes: Aerodromo de Elizalde (ELZ), Tolosa (PTKL) and La PLata (SADL), and many other details ...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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5.89 MB
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4 star rating.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars by 4 PRO members.

La Plata X, Argentina. This is the scenery of "La Plata", Republica Argentina. This is the continuation of BsAs_x.3 toward the south, passing the city of La Plata (requires BSASX_3.ZIP). This scenery includes: Aerodromo de Elizalde (ELZ), Tolosa (PTKL) and La PLata (SADL), and many other details for a flight VFR. By Pablo Contouris and Guillermo Posadas.

La Plata X Scenery.

La Plata X Scenery.


This scenery has been created in form completely integrated with BsAs_X.3. Most of the used objects were incorporated in present librarys in the installation of BsAs_X.3 and their geographical limits are perfectly integrated. You need to install BsAs_X.3 previously so that this scenery works correctly.

After that, make the following steps:

1. After download the Scenery, unzip the file inside a temporary folder.

2. Copy the folder "La Plata_X" in the location: “C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery”.

3. Copy the folder "Static Objects Library" in the location: “C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery”, if you don't already have it installed. If you already has it, copy and paste the content of the folders respectively in"Scenery" and "Texture" location. Maybe, there are elements that will be used by other Scenery.

4. Enter to Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

5. Go to “Configuración” / “Biblioteca de Escenarios” / “Agregar zona” and select “Static Objects Library”.

6. Go to “Configuración” / “Biblioteca de Escenarios” / “Agregar zona” and select "La Plata_X".

7. Be sure that La Plata_X this immediately up of BsAs_X, for a correct operation (bigger priority).

8. After verifying that the Scenery works correctly, you can delete the temporary folder.

Aerodromes and Airport Included:

The Aerodromes and the Airport have been included that are detailed next.
The information is property of MADHEL, Dirección de Tránsito Aéreo.

- SADL – La Plata
- PTL – Tolosa – La Plata
- ELZ – Aeródromo Elizalde - Club de Planeadores de La Plata - La Plata

Fuerte Barragán
This place has a private runway of grass and very reduced, in the vicinity of the Port of the La Plata. This was represented without identification code, you should look for VFR flight.

Program Used:

The Scenery was built with the following programs:
* Google Earth
* FSX_Kml
* SBuilderX
* Instance Scenery
* Instant Object Maker
It was created and tested with FSX SP2.2.

Library used:
fs9_custom_buildings_ss_1.bgl (Sidney Schwartz) (BsAs_X.3)
GSP_HANGARES2.bgl (Guillermo Posadas) (BsAs_X.3)
GSP_Varios_Gen.bgl (Guillermo Posadas) (BsAs_X.3)
GSP_Aviones.bgl (Guillermo Posadas) (included)
GSP_Varios_PTL (Guillermo Posadas) (included)

I want to thank to Guillermo Posadas who unselfishly came closer to my tasks to collaborate in this project, contributing ideas, creations, tests and other technical aspects, and also offering me a human company in every hour that we have shared. Guillermo built the 3 aerodromes, which we have discussed and analyzed together and I have taken charge to adapt the periphery. I also want to thank to Daniel Berges that has allowed me to use their webserver space to publish our works. Finally to the flightsimulatorarg and aeropuertosarg community, who followed our activities closely, they made their opinion to obtain a better result. I have dedicated this scenery to the La Plata friends, who have contributed me ideas, photos, critical and all the positive and negative comments that made possible a better scenery.

The contained files in this work are distributed under the freeware concept and none of them can cause damages to their team.

Pablo Contouris (Conto)

Guillermo Posadas (Guillepolo)

La Plata X Scenery.

La Plata X Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10

The archive laplatax.zip has 60 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
LaPlataX.gif04.30.0913.09 kB
LaPlataX.jpg04.30.0998.47 kB
Leame_FSX_La Plata_X.pdf04.30.092.01 MB
Leame_FSX_La Plata_X.txt05.03.095.04 kB
readme_FSX_La Plata_X.txt05.03.094.49 kB
Arboles_PTL_GSP.bgl01.28.091004 B
Arboles_SADL_GSP.bgl12.06.082.34 kB
cvxLA_PLATA_TOPOGRAFIA.BGL03.24.09189.40 kB
Edificios_PTL_GSP.bgl03.17.091.78 kB
Edificios_SADL_GSP.bgl01.15.091.04 kB
ELZ_ADE_GSP.BGL12.16.083.95 kB
ELZ_ADE_GSP_CVX.bgl12.16.08755 B
LaPlata_Conto_lib.bgl01.22.092.75 kB
LaPlata_Conto_lib.txt01.22.0978 B
Objetos La Plata Alpargatas.bgl01.27.097.51 kB
Objetos La Plata ENaval.bgl03.05.094.23 kB
Objetos La Plata Puerto.bgl02.25.099.62 kB
Objetos La Plata Rada.bgl01.14.09572 B
Objetos La Plata RiveraN.bgl03.05.098.40 kB
Objetos La Plata.bgl02.24.098.25 kB
PTL_ADE_GSP.BGL12.23.081.78 kB
PTL_ADE_GSP_CVX.bgl12.23.08588 B
SADL_ADE_GSP.BGL12.06.087.31 kB
SADL_ADE_GSP_CVX.BGL12.06.081.07 kB
Planta_LP_00.dds03.05.09170.79 kB
GSP_Aviones.bgl01.24.0971.30 kB
GSP_Aviones.txt01.24.09128 B
GSP_Aviones_V1.0.txt03.19.0953 B
GSP_Varios_PTL.bgl01.28.0972.16 kB
GSP_Varios_PTL.txt01.28.09294 B
GSP_Varios_PTL_V1.0.txt03.19.0953 B
GSP_ArcoAeClubLaPlata_00.dds03.01.0942.79 kB
GSP_ArcoAeClubLaPlata_01.dds03.01.0942.79 kB
GSP_Dove_00.dds03.01.09170.79 kB
GSP_Dove_01.dds03.01.09170.79 kB
GSP_Dove_02.dds03.01.0942.79 kB
GSP_Dove_03.dds03.01.0942.79 kB
GSP_PTL_Bar_00.dds03.01.0942.79 kB
GSP_PTL_Oficinas_00.dds03.01.09170.79 kB
GSP_RestaurantePpal_00.dds03.01.09170.79 kB
GSP_RestaurantePpal_01.dds03.01.09170.79 kB
GSP_RestaurantePpal_02.dds03.01.09170.79 kB
LP_0001.jpg04.30.0992.27 kB
LP_0002.jpg04.30.0985.57 kB
LP_0003.jpg04.30.0998.47 kB
LP_0004.jpg04.30.0981.13 kB
LP_0005.jpg04.30.0993.45 kB
LP_0006.jpg04.30.0996.53 kB
LP_0007.jpg04.30.09104.08 kB
LP_0008.jpg04.30.09105.82 kB
LP_0009.jpg04.30.09123.42 kB
LP_0010.jpg04.30.09140.07 kB
Thumbs.db04.30.09131.00 kB
LaPlataX.gif04.30.0913.09 kB
LaPlataX.jpg04.30.0998.47 kB
Leame_FSX_La Plata_X.pdf04.30.092.01 MB
readme_FSX_La Plata_X.txt05.03.094.49 kB
La Plata_X_Lanzamiento.url05.20.09171 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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