FSX Aurora Municipal Airport Scenery
Aurora Municipal Airport (KARR) serves Chicago/Aurora and Kane County and is owned by the City Of Aurora, Illinois (IL). The airport has more than one runway. The longest is a paved runway extending 6500 feet. The facility is at an elevation of 706 feet at a distance of about 38 miles from Chicag...
- Download hits
- 236
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- karrkikk.zip
- File size
- 1.11 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 30 days ago (clean)
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- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Aurora Municipal Airport (KARR) serves Chicago/Aurora and Kane County and is owned by the City Of Aurora, Illinois (IL). The airport has more than one runway. The longest is a paved runway extending 6500 feet. The facility is at an elevation of 706 feet at a distance of about 38 miles from Chicago. Greater Kankakee Airport (KIKK) serves Kankakee and Kankakee County and is owned by Kankakee Valley Airport Authority. The airport has more than one runway. The longest is a paved runway extending 5979 feet. The facility is at an elevation of 629 feet at a distance of about 3 miles from Kankakee. Created with Instant Scenery. By John B. Loney, Jr.
Aurora Municipal Airport Scenery.
You will need the following Object libraries:
loney's ez scenery.zip
dwag_han.zip - by Dennis Waggoner.
parklrgs.zip - by Sidney Schwartz.
ramplit3.zip - by Bill Leaming.
ladys.zip - by Glenn "Woody" Fout.
rw12|112.zip - by Seev Kahn Rwy 12.
ezexob1t.zip - by Lars Hoyer repackage by Steve Ziegler.
ezexobj1.zip - by Lars Hoyer repackage by Steve Ziegler.
gaplane1.zip - by Seev Kahn repackage by Steve Ziegler.
ezgahng2.zip - by Sidney Schwartz.
For Aurora, some of the AI aircraft are FSX default, but some are from my AI collection for FS9. They work very well in FSX as AI aircraft. You'll need to visit my website and download the two collections, jl_ai_1.zip and jl_ai_2.zip Install as instructed only remember that in FSX, the aircraft goes in the SimObjects/Airplanes folder.
Greater Kankakee uses only default FSX AI aircraft.
The ES Scenery object libraries do work excellent in FSX. Put them in the Addon Scenery folder under EZ Scenery Library Objects of whatever.
If your file tree is setup as follows: Program Files/Microsoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Addon Scenery. Just unzip karr.zip and kikk.zip to the drive where FSX is installed. (In most cases it would probably be C:). The files will automatically go to the proper folder. Then you can activate the sceneries as you normally would. Otherwise, unzip to a temporary folder and place the scenery in the FSX/Addon Scenery folder manually and activate the sceneries as usual.
For no particular reason, I wanted to create some scenery for FSX. I admit I didn't like FSX in the beginning and I still prefer working with FS9, but since FSX is on my system also, I thought I'd try an airport or two. I have previously created scenery for FSX. I designed Meigs Field. Whats a flight simulator without the good old Meigs Field? I also did Yuma and Oroville and my home airport, Linden. However, these airports were designed for FS9 and I just adapted them for FSX. The two airports here were design specifically for FSX. I hope you enjoy them.
All the Flight Simmers without whom these designs would be pointless.
This scenery is freeware.
I do not accept any responsibility for any damage to any system as a result of running this software.
As usual, I welcome any comments. I will try to answer as many as I can.
Have fun and enjoy.
Aurora Municipal Airport Scenery.
The archive karrkikk.zip has 21 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
readme.txt | 07.20.09 | 5.14 kB |
FILE_ID.DIZ | 07.14.09 | 632 B |
karr.zip | 07.13.09 | 21.75 kB |
kikk.zip | 07.13.09 | 16.23 kB |
Readme.doc | 07.20.09 | 613.50 kB |
kikk_real.jpg | 07.14.09 | 53.36 kB |
karr_fs_1.jpg | 07.14.09 | 42.54 kB |
karr_fs_2.jpg | 07.14.09 | 30.00 kB |
karr_fs_3.jpg | 07.14.09 | 30.93 kB |
karr_fs_4.jpg | 07.14.09 | 28.99 kB |
karr_fs_5.jpg | 07.14.09 | 51.72 kB |
karr_fs_6.jpg | 07.14.09 | 51.16 kB |
karr_real.jpg | 07.14.09 | 32.17 kB |
kikk_fs_1.jpg | 07.14.09 | 35.23 kB |
kikk_fs_2.jpg | 07.14.09 | 51.26 kB |
kikk_fs_3.jpg | 07.14.09 | 34.48 kB |
kikk_fs_4.jpg | 07.14.09 | 31.44 kB |
kikk_fs_5.jpg | 07.14.09 | 42.93 kB |
kikk_fs_6.jpg | 07.14.09 | 52.38 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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