FSX The Ruins Of Tikam-Ulkam Scenery

PreviewThe Ruins Of Tikam-Ulkam. The Ruins of Tikam-Ulkam were found by Dr. Antonino Bitti only a decade ago in Guatemala near the border of Belize. These Mayan temples are unique in that some of the rocks they are made off produce a "glow" at dusk and all through the night. Many scientists asure the sc...

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The Ruins Of Tikam-Ulkam. The Ruins of Tikam-Ulkam were found by Dr. Antonino Bitti only a decade ago in Guatemala near the border of Belize. These Mayan temples are unique in that some of the rocks they are made off produce a "glow" at dusk and all through the night. Many scientists asure the scientific world that this is a great mystery of science since the rocks are of very unusual izotronic structure. Dr. Bitti, is sure that these rocks are not of this planet(!) making the old temples a mystery that many do not talk about too much. Could it be one of the places the so called "Gods from Beyond" came to construct in this planet? Well here is your chance to fly out to it and see for yourself. Please note that the airfield is very dangerous since it was hacked out of the jungle for small aircraft, fly around the ruins and plan your landing very carefully. (Dusk flights are most interesting). By Gera Godoy Canova.

The Ruins Of Tikam-Ulkam Scenery.

The Ruins Of Tikam-Ulkam Scenery.

Place the ".bgl" files in your FSX/Addon Scenery/Scenery DIRECTORY
Place ".BMP" in your FSX/Addon Scenery/Texture DIRECTORY´
Activate the files from the menu or just close FSX ,if it´s open, and Open it again. This automaticalle sets up the files or "activates" them.

-----Print the ROUTE MAP and use any of the indicated airfields as your starting point-----

Enjoy your flight to Tikam-Ulkam.


The Ruins Of Tikam-Ulkam Scenery.

The Ruins Of Tikam-Ulkam Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

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The archive tikam.zip has 21 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FILE_ID.DIZ11.02.0964 B
POSTER.jpg11.02.09138.75 kB
README FIRST.txt11.02.091.64 kB
ROUTE MAP.jpg10.31.09134.80 kB
TTIKAM-ULMAK.jpg11.01.09173.31 kB
00-TEMPLOS MAYAS.bgl10.31.091.64 MB
MAYAMARVEL.bgl10.31.093.25 kB
AGUA.bmp10.22.09257.05 kB
CABEZA MAYA.bmp10.22.09257.05 kB
frenecasamaya.bmp10.10.0948.05 kB
MAYA-1.BMP10.11.093.66 kB
maya1.bmp10.10.0965.05 kB
mayacarachi.bmp10.10.0917.05 kB
mayaescale.bmp10.10.0965.05 kB
MAYAGOD.bmp10.22.0933.05 kB
MAYATEMPLO33.bmp10.22.09257.05 kB
MONOLITPMAYA01.bmp10.22.0965.05 kB
MONOLITPMAYA02.bmp10.22.09192.05 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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