FSX Pueblo Municipal Airport Scenery

Preview Pueblo Municipal Airport. Pueblo Memorial is the airport located in Pueblo, Colorado (CO). KPUB is the home of the Air Forces Initial Flight Screening Program which is managed by DOSS Aviation. Initial flight screening is where future Air Force aviators are taught ground school and the equival...

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Pueblo Municipal Airport. Pueblo Memorial is the airport located in Pueblo, Colorado (CO). KPUB is the home of the Air Forces Initial Flight Screening Program which is managed by DOSS Aviation. Initial flight screening is where future Air Force aviators are taught ground school and the equivalent of a private pilots license. The airport itself is a pretty large General Aviation airport with scheduled airline flights as well. There are two FBO's on the airport, many GA hangars, a terminal building, fire station, and a number of other buildings. By Jim Dhaenens.

Aerial shot of Pueblo Municipal Airport Scenery.

Aerial shot of Pueblo Municipal Airport Scenery.

Thanks to Flack Maguire for getting me involved, Randy Cubero for the photography, and Mark Lovin (KPUB Airport Manager) for support.




1. Place the KPUB_FSX folder in your Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery folder.

2. Start Flight Simulator X.

3. On the Flight Simulator X start screen, select "SETTINGS" then in the "Other settings" box (upper right on the settings page), select "Scenery Library."

4.On the SETTINGS - SCENERY LIBRARY page, select 'Add Area"

5. Navigate to, and open the "Addon Scenery" folder.

6. Select the "KPUB_FSX" folder and press "OK"

5. Back on the SETTINGS - SCENERY LIBRARY page, KPUB_FSX should be on the top of the list of scenery areas. Make sure the "Enabled" checkbox is checked, then press "OK"

6. The next time you run Flight Simulator X, the new scenery will be available through the SELECT AIRPORT page.

This software is distributed without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. The author is not responsible for any damage caused by this software.

Screenshot of Pueblo Municipal Airport Scenery.

Screenshot of Pueblo Municipal Airport Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive pueblo.zip has 49 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Pueblo03.17.120 B
KPUB_FSX03.17.120 B
Scenery03.17.120 B
AFX_KPUB.bgl04.22.1146.72 kB
cvxPUEBLO.BGL04.24.111.31 kB
kpubbecn.BGL04.20.11140 B
kpubground.bgl04.22.114.68 MB
pueblolib.bgl04.25.113.46 MB
pueblolib.txt04.25.113.68 kB
pueblopl.bgl04.25.1110.04 kB
Texture03.17.120 B
agbase.dds01.20.11128.12 kB
almwht.dds11.30.1064.12 kB
bluhgr.dds03.07.11682.79 kB
chainlbare.dds04.07.1185.45 kB
concrete.dds01.20.11128.12 kB
da20.dds04.10.11128.12 kB
Doss.dds03.17.11682.75 kB
flags.dds03.16.11128.12 kB
hsnumber.dds04.20.1164.12 kB
kpubfirsta.dds04.01.11682.75 kB
kpubhgrs1.dds04.23.11682.75 kB
KPUBHGRS2.dds04.25.11682.75 kB
kpublast.dds04.21.11682.75 kB
kpublonghgrs.dds03.14.11682.79 kB
kpubmisc.dds03.30.11682.75 kB
kpuboldhgr.dds04.03.11682.75 kB
kpubsmhgr.dds03.12.11682.79 kB
kpubtwmrk.dds04.19.11256.12 kB
lights1.dds11.16.1032.12 kB
RAMPLTRS.dds02.20.11256.12 kB
red1.dds04.21.11256.12 kB
term.dds03.29.11512.12 kB
term2.dds03.29.11256.12 kB
truck1.dds03.26.11512.12 kB
truck2.dds03.27.11512.12 kB
truck3.dds03.27.11512.12 kB
truck4.dds03.27.11512.12 kB
UPSBOX.dds04.24.1132.12 kB
USTDY.dds04.24.11128.12 kB
whitemark.dds02.09.1164.12 kB
ylorwynum.dds04.04.11256.12 kB
ylotex.dds04.05.1164.12 kB
pub1.jpg06.02.11151.95 kB
pub3.jpg06.02.11237.03 kB
Pubthumb.jpg06.02.1115.75 kB
readmekpub.txt03.17.122.18 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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