FSX USS Salt Lake City CA-25

PreviewUSS Salt Lake City CA-25, WWII era Pensacola Class Cruiser pilotable package. Features three versions, pilotable, AI and scenery library object. By Bruce Fitzgerald.

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USS Salt Lake City CA-25, WWII era Pensacola Class Cruiser pilotable package. Features three versions, pilotable, AI and scenery library object. By Bruce Fitzgerald.

USS Salt Lake City CA-25.

USS Salt Lake City CA-25.

USS Salt Lake City, a 9100-ton Pensacola class heavy cruiser built at Camden, New Jersey.
On 7 December 1941, Salt Lake City was operating with the USS Enterprise task group.
Salt Lake City was in the south Pacific to support the campaign to seize and hold Guadalcanal.
Other actions included the seizure of the Gilbert Islands ,the invasion of the Marshalls and the Iwo Jima and Okinawa campaigns.

- 3 versions - pilotable / AI / Scenery Library Object
- Crisp,FPS friendly textures
- Very Stable with no "popping" at all speeds
- animated deck guns (ailerons - pilotable only)
- animated aircraft crane recovery ( Shft+E // pilotable only )
- animated aircraft cat launch ( Shift+E ... release .. then press 2 // pilotable only )
- imbedded smoke and wake effects

for FSX ONLY by Bruce Fitzgerald.

Pilotable Install::

locate the unzipped USS Salt Lake City folder and copy to FSX/simobjects/airplanes/

locate the unzipped effects folder and copy all the .FX files inside to FSX/effects.

AI Install::
locate the unzipped CA25_AI folder and copy to FSX/simobjects/Boats.

locate the unzipped effects folder and copy all the .FX files inside to FSX/effects.

......... if using the AICarriers2 addon
- find the directory you installed AICarriers in.
- open the aicarriers.cfg file with noted.
- add this formation replacing the X with the next available formation number.

title=Heavy Cruiser WWII
unit.0=CA25_ai, 0, 0

Library Object Install::

locate the unzipped effects folder and copy all the .FX files inside to FSX/effects.

locate the unzipped scenery object folder and copy the file iside it ; ca25.bgl ... and paste in FSX\Scenery\Global\scenery.

copy the .BMP files
... and paste in FSX\Scenery\Global\texture

I use the built-in Object placement tool for scenery developement and i can not find it by a "friendly name" so I find it by it's GUID.

the complete GUID is 0347F335E 043BAA13C 0B0E212AB 09CDF90B6 ... if you just look for the first sequence 0347F335E that makes it easier to find.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive ca_25.zip has 90 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
CA_25.jpg06.02.1051.46 kB
CA25_AI06.02.100 B
Model06.02.100 B
cruiser_AI.MDL06.02.104.26 MB
model.cfg06.02.1027 B
sim.cfg06.02.10580 B
sound06.02.100 B
horn.wav01.11.09315.20 kB
Shutdown_Left.wav01.11.09385.06 kB
Shutdown_Right.wav01.11.09402.76 kB
SOUND.CFG01.11.091.15 kB
Startup_Left.wav01.11.09177.43 kB
Startup_Right.wav01.11.09198.05 kB
xwaterloop.wav01.11.091.72 MB
soundai06.02.100 B
soundai.cfg01.11.091.15 kB
texture06.02.100 B
ca25.bmp06.02.104.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg06.02.1051.46 kB
USA.bmp12.25.08129.05 kB
effects06.02.100 B
fx_Ship_smoke.fx12.12.041.21 kB
fx_wake_CV6.fx05.07.092.43 kB
library object06.02.100 B
ca25.bgl06.02.104.26 MB
ca25.bmp06.02.104.00 MB
USA.bmp12.25.08129.05 kB
readme.txt06.02.102.66 kB
USS Salt Lake City06.02.100 B
aircraft.cfg06.02.107.32 kB
destroyer.air02.18.0813.21 kB
Model06.02.100 B
cruiser.MDL06.02.104.28 MB
model.cfg06.01.1024 B
panel06.02.100 B
naval.CAB03.22.081.58 MB
panel.cfg03.22.084.95 kB
panel_background_640.bmp11.28.07900.05 kB
panel_background_vc.bmp09.03.042.05 kB
panel_backup001.cfg02.18.084.79 kB
Thumbs.db11.28.074.50 kB
readme.txt06.02.101.12 kB
sound06.02.100 B
carflt_gearwarndown.wav11.08.06172.87 kB
carflt_gearwarnup.wav11.08.06170.11 kB
carfltflap.wav11.08.06200.93 kB
carfltn11.wav11.08.06352.73 kB
carfltn12.wav11.08.06274.50 kB
kagear.wav11.08.0688.25 kB
Kan13.wav11.08.06409.37 kB
Kan14.wav11.08.06366.30 kB
Kan1strt.wav11.08.06153.75 kB
Kan2shut.wav11.08.06195.17 kB
Kan2strt.wav11.08.0665.17 kB
kap1a.wav11.08.0660.75 kB
kap1b.wav11.08.0662.75 kB
kap1c.wav11.08.0634.75 kB
kap1d.wav11.08.0634.75 kB
kap2a.wav11.08.0668.25 kB
kap2b.wav11.08.0673.25 kB
kapr.wav11.08.0637.31 kB
sound.cfg03.31.0810.89 kB
tbvr_apd.wav11.08.0613.69 kB
tbvr_door_close.wav11.08.06131.81 kB
tbvr_door_open.wav11.08.06945.71 kB
tbvr_ovr.wav11.08.0622.23 kB
tbvr_stall.wav11.08.06105.28 kB
tbvr_wind.wav11.08.06516.98 kB
xcarfltn21.wav11.08.06260.81 kB
xcarfltn22.wav11.08.06238.15 kB
Xkan11.wav11.08.06238.15 kB
Xkan12.wav11.08.06335.28 kB
Xkan13.wav11.08.06495.51 kB
Xkan14.wav11.08.0661.09 kB
xkan1strt.wav11.08.06152.75 kB
xkan2shut.wav11.08.06195.17 kB
xkan2strt.wav11.08.0665.17 kB
xkap1a.wav11.08.0660.75 kB
xkap1b.wav11.08.0662.75 kB
xkap1c.wav11.08.0634.75 kB
xkap1d.wav11.08.0634.75 kB
xkap2a.wav11.08.0668.25 kB
xkap2b.wav11.08.0673.25 kB
xkapr.wav11.08.0637.31 kB
texture06.02.100 B
ca25.bmp06.02.104.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg06.02.1051.46 kB
USA.bmp12.25.08129.05 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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