FSX Potomac Airfield Scenery

Preview Potomac Airfield (KVKX), also known as Potomac Airport or Potomac Airpark, is a privately-owned, public-use airport located in the community of Fort Washington, Maryland (MD), just outside of Washington, D.C. Along with College Park Airport and Washington Executive Airport/Hyde Field, it is lo...

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Potomac Airfield (KVKX), also known as Potomac Airport or Potomac Airpark, is a privately-owned, public-use airport located in the community of Fort Washington, Maryland (MD), just outside of Washington, D.C. Along with College Park Airport and Washington Executive Airport/Hyde Field, it is located in the Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) in the center of the Washington, D.C. Air Defense Identification Zone. Pilots are required to apply for a special security clearance before they are permitted to fly into these airports. Potomac Airfield is also home to Buckley Aviation where you can learn aerobatics. By Christopher G. Clawson.

Screenshot of Potomac Airfield scenery.

Screenshot of Potomac Airfield scenery.

This scenery was created using Airport Design Editor FSX Edition. Hangars and FCLP runway markings were created using Google SketchUp and converted for FSX using ModelConverterX and Library Creator XML by Arno Gerretsen. Static aircraft is from a freeware collection by KB Sims. The animated wind T is part of the freeware Small Airstrip Objects collection by Sidney Schwartz. Several static aircraft were converted from my own repaints using Static Aircraft .mdl Maker by Don Grovestine.

Installation instructions:

  1. Unzip this file to a temporary folder.
  2. Copy the KVKX folder to your FSX "Addon Scenery" folder and add this to your FSX scenery library.
  3. Unzip kb_static_aircraft_FSX.zip. This file contains the static aircraft library from KB Sims. Copy this to your FSX "Addon Scenery" folder and add this to your FSX scenery library.
  4. Unzip smlairob.zip. This file contains the Small Airstrip Objects collection by Sidney Schwartz. Refer to Small Airstrip Objects SS readme.txt for installation instructions.

Also included is my repaint of Buckley Aviation's Citabria N53758. It requires the payware "Citabria, Decathlon and Scout 2007" from RealAir Simulations. To install, unzip CitabriaN53758.zip and refer to it's readme.txt.

This scenery is offered as freeware. Please feel free to contact me with any comments or suggestions. Fans of Buckley Aviation may notice two "old friends" parked on the field next to the Yellow Super Cub. Also, my buddy Joe is fueling up his Turbo Arrow.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive kvkx.zip has 80 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
CitabriaN53758.zip04.27.124.13 MB
kb_static_aircraft_FSX.zip05.28.124.50 MB
KVKX05.28.120 B
Scenery05.28.120 B
KVKX_ADEX_CGC.BGL05.28.1217.14 kB
KVKX_ADEX_CGC_CVX.bgl05.28.12529 B
KVKX_Objects.bgl05.27.128.14 MB
KVXK_Aircraft.bgl05.28.128.64 MB
texture05.28.120 B
Bellanca Citabria 7KCAB - N4FR05.28.120 B
RASCITABRIA_1_T.DDS04.27.121.33 MB
RASCITABRIA_2_T.DDS04.27.121.33 MB
RASCITABRIA_3_T.DDS04.27.121.33 MB
Bellanca Citabria 7KCAB - N5375805.28.120 B
RASCITABRIA_1_T.DDS02.25.101.33 MB
RASCITABRIA_2_T.DDS04.27.121.33 MB
RASCITABRIA_3_T.DDS04.18.121.33 MB
Bellanca Citabria 7KCAB - N5767105.28.120 B
RASCITABRIA_1_T.DDS04.27.121.33 MB
RASCITABRIA_2_T.DDS04.27.121.33 MB
RASCITABRIA_3_T.DDS04.27.121.33 MB
Hangar01.dds05.21.1210.79 kB
Hangar02.dds05.21.1210.79 kB
Hangar03.dds05.21.1210.79 kB
Hangar04.dds05.21.1210.79 kB
Hangar05.dds05.21.1221.45 kB
Hangar06.dds05.21.1210.79 kB
Hangar07.dds05.21.1242.79 kB
LongHangar01.dds05.22.1221.45 kB
LongHangar02.dds05.22.1210.79 kB
LongHangar03.dds05.22.1242.79 kB
LongHangar04.dds05.22.1210.79 kB
LongHangar05.dds05.22.1242.79 kB
LongHangar06.dds05.22.1242.79 kB
LongHangar07.dds05.22.1242.79 kB
LongHangar08.dds05.22.1242.79 kB
LongHangar09.dds05.22.1221.45 kB
LongHangar10.dds05.22.1285.45 kB
Piper Arrow III Turbo N476JB05.28.120 B
DVC.BMP07.08.09682.75 kB
GLAS2_T.BMP07.09.0921.43 kB
GLAS3_T.BMP07.09.0921.43 kB
GLAS4_T.BMP07.09.0921.43 kB
PA28201_COMPARTMENT1.BMP07.07.09682.75 kB
PA28201_COMPARTMENT2.BMP02.16.07129.05 kB
PA28201_ENGINE.BMP03.01.07257.05 kB
PA28201_FUSELAGE_T.BMP07.07.09682.75 kB
PA28201_PROP1.BMP10.02.08256.06 kB
PA28201_SPINNER_T.BMP11.12.0732.07 kB
PA28201_SPINNER2_T.BMP11.12.0732.07 kB
PA28201_WINGSL_T.BMP07.07.09682.75 kB
PA28201_WINGSR_T.BMP07.07.09682.75 kB
PILOT.BMP07.08.0942.75 kB
Thumbs.db05.27.1225.00 kB
TIRE6-00X6_T.BMP07.07.0985.42 kB
RoundHangar01.dds05.20.1210.79 kB
RoundHangar02.dds05.20.1210.79 kB
WarningSign.dds05.17.1221.45 kB
WestHangar01.dds05.20.1210.79 kB
WestHangar02.dds05.20.1221.45 kB
WestHangar03.dds05.20.1242.79 kB
readme.txt05.28.122.12 kB
Screenshots05.28.120 B
KVKX Flying 01.png05.28.121.59 MB
KVKX Flying 02.png05.28.121007.91 kB
KVKX Flying 03.png05.28.12967.15 kB
KVKX Ground 01.png05.28.12983.85 kB
KVKX Ground 02.png05.28.12974.64 kB
KVKX Ground 03.png05.28.121.03 MB
Thumbs.db05.28.1267.00 kB
smlairob.zip05.28.124.20 MB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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