FSX Spruce Creek Fly-in Community Scenery

Preview (7FL6), Florida (FL), USA. Touted as the world's most famous residential airpark, this airfield resides within the Daytona Beach International Airport (KDAB) controlled airspace. The scenery includes photo landclass changes, rework of the runway, taxiways, aprons and parking; custom scenery ob...

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Flight Simulator X
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(7FL6), Florida (FL), USA. Touted as the world's most famous residential airpark, this airfield resides within the Daytona Beach International Airport (KDAB) controlled airspace. The scenery includes photo landclass changes, rework of the runway, taxiways, aprons and parking; custom scenery objects and placement of library objects. Scenery in this package is based on Virtual Earth (Bing) and Google Earth imagery and photos taken locally. The package includes airport arrival-departure procedures published by the fly-in and scenery associated with the VFR "Tank Departure". By Art Poole.

Screenshot of Spruce Creek Fly-in Community scenery.

Screenshot of Spruce Creek Fly-in Community scenery.


Extract the zip file and move the 7FL6 folder to the "Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery" folder and then add this folder to the scenery list in FSX settings. The Models folder and other files are not needed in FSX.

For all scenery objects to display, the Scenery Complexity slider in Scenery settings must be set to "Very Dense". If you have KB_static_aircraft_FSX installed, additional parked aircraft will be visible. The layout of scenery is optimized for use with Ultimate Terrain X-USA. When using this scenery with Megascenery, better results might be realized by removing the 7FL6_LANDCLASS_AP.bgl file from the scenery folder.

This airport can be further modified by the user with Airport Design Editor (freeware, but worth a donation). The Models folder contains all of the models compiled in the 7FL6_ADEX_AP.BGL file.

To revert back to FSX default, uncheck 7FL6 in the AddOn Scenery list.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8

The archive spruce_creek_fl.zip has 75 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
7FL603.15.120 B
scenery07.01.120 B
7FL6_ADEX_AP.BGL07.12.12370.92 kB
7FL6_ADEX_AP_CVX.bgl07.12.122.46 kB
7FL6_LANDCLASS_AP.BGL06.19.122.80 kB
Airport_Buildings_01_AP.bgl11.19.10259.99 kB
Airport_Buildings_AP.bgl03.31.09372.23 kB
texture07.01.120 B
7FL6_1.bmp06.24.12341.43 kB
7FL6_1_lm.bmp06.24.12341.43 kB
7fl6_2.bmp07.11.12170.75 kB
7fl6_2_lm.bmp07.11.12170.75 kB
7FL6_3.bmp06.14.121.33 MB
7FL6_3_lm.bmp06.14.121.33 MB
7FL6_3a.bmp06.30.121.33 MB
7FL6_3a_lm.bmp06.30.121.33 MB
7FL6_3b.bmp07.12.121.33 MB
7FL6_3b_lm.bmp07.12.121.33 MB
7FL6_3c.bmp07.11.121.33 MB
7FL6_3c_lm.bmp07.11.121.33 MB
7FL6_4.bmp07.09.12170.75 kB
7FL6_4_lm.bmp07.09.12170.75 kB
7FL6_5.bmp07.09.12170.75 kB
7FL6_5_lm.bmp07.11.12170.75 kB
AirportBldgs_01.bmp01.08.11170.75 kB
AirportBldgs_01_lm.bmp01.08.11170.75 kB
7fl6_10.JPG07.12.12154.12 kB
7fl6_11.JPG07.12.12180.04 kB
7fl6_12.JPG07.12.12160.33 kB
7fl6_3.JPG07.12.12173.05 kB
7fl6_5.JPG07.12.12177.30 kB
7fl6_7.JPG07.12.12119.40 kB
7fl6_8.JPG07.12.12177.67 kB
7fl6_9.JPG07.12.12124.94 kB
airport_arrival_departure.pdf07.10.12592.58 kB
Models07.12.120 B
7FL6_bldg_01.mdl07.01.125.57 kB
7FL6_bldg_02.mdl07.09.1223.08 kB
7FL6_bldg_03.mdl07.11.126.39 kB
7FL6_condo.mdl06.14.1221.08 kB
7FL6_fbo_01.mdl06.26.125.83 kB
7FL6_firebox.mdl05.20.124.14 kB
7FL6_hanger_01.mdl06.24.1211.17 kB
7FL6_hanger_02.mdl06.25.129.38 kB
7FL6_hanger_03.mdl06.24.1211.77 kB
7FL6_hanger_04.mdl06.25.1211.88 kB
7FL6_hanger_05.mdl06.27.1212.38 kB
7FL6_hanger_06.mdl06.25.126.15 kB
7FL6_hanger_07.mdl06.30.124.24 kB
7FL6_hanger_08.mdl06.30.126.76 kB
7FL6_hanger_09.mdl06.28.127.51 kB
7FL6_hanger_10.mdl06.30.124.62 kB
7FL6_hanger_11.mdl07.01.124.12 kB
7FL6_hanger_12.mdl07.11.1214.71 kB
7FL6_logo.mdl03.15.121.46 kB
7FL6_private.mdl03.15.121.46 kB
7FL6_sign_01.mdl05.22.123.62 kB
7FL6_sign_02.mdl05.22.123.32 kB
7FL6_sign_03.mdl05.21.122.77 kB
7FL6_sign_04.mdl05.21.124.29 kB
7FL6_sign_05.mdl05.22.123.32 kB
7FL6_sign_06.mdl05.22.124.29 kB
7FL6_sign_07.mdl05.22.124.29 kB
7FL6_sign_08.mdl05.22.123.32 kB
7FL6_sign_09.mdl05.22.124.29 kB
7FL6_sign_10.mdl05.29.126.90 kB
7FL6_sign_11.mdl07.01.123.73 kB
7FL6_sign_12.mdl07.01.123.48 kB
7FL6_sign_13.mdl07.09.123.67 kB
7FL6_sign_14.mdl07.11.124.16 kB
readme.txt07.12.122.23 kB
spruce creek logo.png07.12.1215.82 kB
Thumbs.db07.12.1296.00 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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