FSX German Air Force Heinkel He 51 50+E23

PreviewThis repaint package adds a speculative German Air Force livery to the classic Heinkel He 51, preserving the look of a 1930s-era biplane while adapting it to Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The original model, created by Craig Richardson, Huub Vink, Tom Falley, and Mathias Pommerien, is necessary f...

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This repaint package adds a speculative German Air Force livery to the classic Heinkel He 51, preserving the look of a 1930s-era biplane while adapting it to Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The original model, created by Craig Richardson, Huub Vink, Tom Falley, and Mathias Pommerien, is necessary for this repaint. Although the specific markings here are fictional, they remain historically plausible. Developed meticulously by B. Lechner, this texture set highlights distinctive military insignia and markings that could have appeared on the He 51.

Historical Context and Project Highlights

The Heinkel He 51 made its debut as a German single-engine biplane fighter in the 1930s. It featured an inline engine, an open cockpit, and a pair of staggered wings. Designed for agility and short-field performance, it saw early service with various units. In this repaint, you will notice vibrant insignia and stylized codes that might have suited a later German Air Force variant.

Screenshot of German Air Force Heinkel He 51 on the ground.

Screenshot illustrating the livery on the ramp.

Repaint Features

  • Intended for the Heinkel He51 (HEINKEL_HE51.ZIP) freeware base model.
  • Authentic visual design inspired by period markings.
  • Compatible with biplane-specific animations and features of the original release.
  • Accurate details like fuselage codes and service stencils.

Installation Procedure

  1. Extract the contents of the downloaded archive.
  2. Locate your “SimObjects/Airplanes/Heinkel He51” folder.
  3. Copy the folder named texture._50+E23 into that directory.
  4. Open the aircraft.cfg file in a text editor, and insert the below entry beneath the existing aircraft repaint sections. Update [fltsim.XX] so it follows the correct sequence number.
title = Heinkel He-51 -- 5 0 + E 2 3 --
sim = He51
panel =
model =
sound =
texture = _50+E23
checklists =
ui_manufacturer = Heinkel
ui_type = He 51
ui_variation = 50+E23
ui_typerole = Single Engine Prop
ui_createdby = Craig Richardson
description = .
atc_id_color = 0x00000000
visual_damage = 0
atc_heavy = 0
atc_id_font = Verdana,0,1,0,0

Information on the Base Model

This repaint does not contain the base model. You will need to download the freeware Heinkel He51 package originally developed by Craig Richardson, Huub Vink, Tom Falley, and Mathias Pommerien. Check the Fly Away Simulation library for the aircraft files. Once the base model is installed, these new textures will add an extra layer of authenticity and variety to your simulation collection.

Additional Notes

Every effort has been made to keep default cockpit functionality and all animations intact. This skin best suits vintage aviation enthusiasts and those eager to explore period liveries in a home flight simulator environment. Enjoy the enhanced immersion when flying this biplane in Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7

The archive heinkel_he51_50+e23.zip has 20 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Bilders - 50+E2312.29.120 B
50+E23 - 000.jpg12.29.12900.81 kB
50+E23 - 001.jpg12.29.121.36 MB
50+E23 - 002.jpg12.29.12883.52 kB
50+E23 - 003.jpg12.29.121.30 MB
50+E23 - 004.jpg12.29.121.18 MB
50+E23 - 005.jpg12.29.121.09 MB
FLTSIM_50+E23.txt12.29.121.60 kB
texture._50+E2312.29.120 B
HE51_10.DDS12.29.121.00 MB
He51_2.dds11.03.121.33 MB
HE51_6.DDS12.29.121.00 MB
HE51_7.DDS12.29.121.00 MB
HE51_8.DDS12.29.124.00 MB
HE51_9.DDS12.29.124.00 MB
PROP.dds12.28.1285.46 kB
texture.cfg05.06.0839 B
THUMBNAIL.JPG12.29.12149.84 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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