MSFS Finland 20 m Terrain Mesh (DEM) Scenery

PreviewA brand-new, replacement terrain mesh (DEM) scenery covering most of Finland in Northern Europe created by developer Morko.

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Country Finland
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Flight Simulator 2020
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2.01 GB
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Content Rating
5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 3 PRO members.

Adam McEnroe

Expert Overview

This innovative enhancement supplies a 20-meter resolution digital elevation model for Finland, offering meticulously refined terrain contours that vividly capture the nation’s varied landscape. Drawing on resources like the National Land Survey of Finland and Copernicus data, this add-on reinvents your MSFS flights with more defined cliffs, peaks, and valleys that seamlessly merge beneath the simulator’s photoreal textures. Despite the occasional peak “spikes” and border transitions, the leap in fidelity is remarkable and delivers new depth for both recreational and professional sim pilots.

Created by developer Morko, the mod encompasses extensive coverage across Finland, showcasing a detailed representation of the region’s distinctive topography. The data, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, ensures it remains both accessible and responsibly sourced, while its detailed coverage map outlines exactly how much of Finland benefits from this elevation overhaul. After extensive testing in the industry, I can confidently say it substantially elevates immersion for those who love exploring Finland’s stunning scenery in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

This mod was installed, tested and reviewed by Adam McEnroe for Fly Away Simulation. Adam is an FS mod expert. Read his bio here.

A brand-new, replacement terrain mesh (DEM) scenery covering most of Finland in Northern Europe created by developer Morko.

Example of the improvements after installing the Finland mesh (DEM) data in Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020).Terrain mesh - or DEM (Digital Elevation Model) - data, as it's become more well known in the new community with the release of MSFS, is essentially the ups-and-downs of the terrain below you. It's the definition of mountains, cliffs, hills, and valleys. Essentially a higher resolution mesh will provide more definition to the ground below that the photorealistic scenery "wraps" around.

This pack brings 20-meter depth resolution terrain for most of Finland as can be seen in the coverage map below.

Coverage Map

Finland's mesh (DEM) coverage of the new add-on.

The terrain leveling data has been sourced from various free-to-use sources including the National Land Survey of Finland, Copernicus data, and information funded by the European Union - EU-DEM layers, Earth Observation Research Center (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency).


Copy the folder finland-20m-dem that resides inside the root folder of the extracted archive into your MSFS community folder.

The developer has also provided information and documentation on how to create your own DEM packs for MSFS. More information is available over at the GitHub page here.

Known issues

  • Edges of covered areas don't blend to the original in-game/bing DEM, errors +- few meters
  • Peak elevations might have small "spikes"
  • Sub-optimal file size

Credits for the source of terrain mesh data included in the scenery package

  • DEM2 and DEM10 by the National Land Survey of Finland
  • Produced using Copernicus data and information funded by the European Union - EU-DEM layers.
  • AW3D30 Provided by Earth Observation Research Center (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)


The developer has released this pack under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Developer: Morko.

Images & Screenshots

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All screenshots above have been created by Fly Away Simulation and are exclusive. For more details, see our image copyright information.

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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