FSX The Most Dangerous Airports: The Alps 4 Mission

Preview The Most Dangerous Airports: The Alps 4. These missions are based around the most dangerous airports of the world. This particular airport is Apls d'Huez in the French Alps. Created with FSX Mission Editor by Robbie Albers.

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The Most Dangerous Airports: The Alps 4. These missions are based around the most dangerous airports of the world. This particular airport is Apls d'Huez in the French Alps. Created with FSX Mission Editor by Robbie Albers.

The Most Dangerous Airports: The Alps 4 Mission.

The Most Dangerous Airports: The Alps 4 Mission.


This is my fourth mission. I had great fun in creating it.

The following zip files for the mission needs to be found on the net and installed:

TheAlps1.zip which contains the required scenery files and links.


Unzip the zip file into the mission directory of your FSX. Make sure your mission show captioning is ticked on. Place the The Alps 4.PLN in the Flight Simulator X Files directory where all your other flight plans are stored.

That's all. Enjoy the mission. I did, creating it. Plan to look into creating more dangerous airport approaches with flight around them, also with the Concorde.

Robbie Albers

The Most Dangerous Airports: The Alps 4 Mission.

The Most Dangerous Airports: The Alps 4 Mission.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive theapls4.zip has 27 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
The Alps 4.PLN06.11.093.20 kB
Briefing_files07.23.090 B
filelist.xml07.23.09166 B
image001.jpg07.22.0965.73 kB
Images06.17.090 B
Overview.jpg06.10.097.46 kB
RewardDetail.jpg06.10.0927.41 kB
RewardSmall.jpg06.10.0914.55 kB
Sound07.22.090 B
Intro1.wav06.17.0971.58 kB
Intro2.wav06.17.0945.58 kB
LandedOK.wav06.17.0920.08 kB
WizFinalHdg.wav06.17.09126.58 kB
Alpe-D-Huez 1.jpg03.18.0965.73 kB
Alpe-d-Huez.jpg03.18.0924.74 kB
Aosta.xml07.22.0937.93 kB
Aosta.xml.layout07.22.091.22 kB
Briefing.htm07.23.0913.97 kB
FILE_ID.txt07.23.09251 B
img_complete.bmp07.22.09255.62 kB
img_incomplete.bmp07.22.09257.43 kB
Kneeboard.htm06.10.091.26 kB
Mission.FLT07.22.099.68 kB
Mission.WX06.10.09165.55 kB
Readme.txt07.23.09718 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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JasonThu, 24 May 2018 08:09:39 GMT

Just letting everyone know that all 4 of these missions crash my FSX if I hit the ESC button at any time during the mission. ESC during a mission usually just brings you out to a dialog that lets you either continue or end the mission. I have verified that no other missions do this but all four parts of this series does. I even disabled all non-default sceneries, going back to out of the box defaults to ensure nothing I had added was at fault and still as soon as I am in one of these missions and hit ESC, it crashes my FSX completely.

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