FSX EGNH Blackpool Squiresgate Scenery

EGNH Blackpool Squiresgate Airfield, UK. Designed to blend with Horizon GenX Photo Scenery and Mesh. Aditional files from Rwy12 and UK VFR Addons required. By Tony Meredith.

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EGNH Blackpool Squiresgate Airfield, UK. Designed to blend with Horizon GenX Photo Scenery and Mesh. Aditional files from Rwy12 and UK VFR Addons required. By Tony Meredith.

EGNH Blackpool Squiresgate Scenery.

EGNH Blackpool Squiresgate Scenery.

For Flight Simulator X.

Dedicated to all those men and women, of all the armed services, past and present who serve to protect us.

Flying since 1909.

In 1909 flying began in Blackpool, at the same time that the great French aviator Louis Bleriot was making the first historic crossing of the English Channel. It was also an historic year as Britain's first official major air show was held here at Squires Gate. Pilots of the most primitive flying machines, watched by 200,000 spectators, gave breathtaking displays."

1910 - Horse-racing Course
A year later the Squires Gate land was turned into a horse-racing course when it was leased to a syndicate of businessmen. However, the venture collapsed at the outbreak of World War One, and the site was turned into a military convalescent home, which eventually closed down in 1924. It was not until 1927 that the corporation announced that a municipal aerodrome was to be built near to the town's Stanley Park. At the time you could fly to the Isle of Man from here with a return flight costing only £l.80. You can still see some of the buildings, now part of the Blackpool Zoo. But when rival companies began flying from Squires Gate in 1932 it became clear that one airfield would have to close. A decision was not reached until 1936 when the Ministry of Transport reported that Squires Gate would make a better airport, and a year later flying at Stanley Park ceased.

939 - Royal Air Force
In 1939 the airfield was taken over by the Air Ministry and developed for the Royal Air Force. Three runways were built, along with hangars and ammunitions stores. At the same time a large aircraft factory was constructed and occupied by Vickers. Between 1941 and the end of World War Two, Vickers produced a total of 3,841 Wellington bombers, all of which were test flown from Blackpool Airport's existing runways. Also during the war it provided a base for Spitfire fighters, largely to protect the city of Liverpool from raiding German bombers.

1949 – Civilian Use
Primarily run for civilian use by the Ministry of Aviation the airfield was taken over by Blackpool Corporation in 1962 and it became a Private Limited Company in 1987. A fuller version of the history is available on the website.

These files are specifically for FSX using Horizon GenX Photo scenery and included mesh. They have not been tested using default mesh or any other mesh. They may look OK and work OK with other scenery packages and mesh, if they do fine, if not, sorry, I am not going to customise further.

Required Scenery:

Horizon GenX Photo scenery volumes 1 together with GenX Mesh.

These files may also work with VFR Real Scenery; however, this has not been tested and may give odd results. It will not function with FS9.

Recommended complementary scenery, (download separately)
In order to use the included "scenery" .bgl(s) you should have installed: -
Scenery/Object Files from the Runway12 library and the UK add-on scenery library.

Detailed file listing at end of this document.

Service Pack 2 Information:
This scenery has been compiled under FSX Service Pack 2. The following have been noted which were previously functioning correctly: -

1. Apron lighting remains ‘On’ at all times. To allow individual choice Apron Lighting is now contained in its own scenery file to permit removal for those who fly VFR Only.
2. Certain Hangars which have ‘automatic’ door opening in response to a particular Nav2 frequency are now intermittent in operation and do not always respond when the aircraft is tuned the appropriate frequency.

All other scenery displays correctly.

Use of this software is entirely at your own risk. If you do not accept responsibility for any and all damage that may result from installing this software then you must not install it. Installation is an acceptance of these conditions and you become responsible for any and all risks involved.


Expand into a temporary directory them move them into your ?:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Filight Simulator X\Addoncenery\Scenery\ Blackpoolr\scenery,

To remove this scenery just delete the files as listed. DO NOT delete the Scenery directory as this is integral to the working of Flight simulator X,

What’s in this file:

The following files are included: -

Zip File – Blackpool Ronaldsway

1. File_ID.diz
2. Blackpool EGNH.bgl – Airfield data
3. cvxBlackpool.bgl - Flatten file to blend airfield to Photo scenery
4. PDF Readme - More detailed information and photo scenery layout
5. Readme file in Notepad format
6. EGNHsceneryAirfield.bgl – Default Scenery
7. EGNHsceneryHouses.bgl – Housing scenery around airfield
8. EGNHsceneryLighting.bgl – Apron Lighting for Airfield, under FSX SP2 this shows illuminated during daylight hours.
9. EGNHsceneryPontins.bgl – Holiday camp housing.
10. EGNHscenerywarehouse.bgl – Warehousing beside airport.

Files Used in this Scenery

Number of objects: 65

Ford Transit Collection.bgl
ez_uk buildings_v3.bgl
ABW SZ General Signs 2.bgl



ABW SZ General Signs 2.bgl:

ez_uk buildings_v3.bgl:

{20fdab88-a7e5-4982-95a1-b568393de4a1} (FSX only!)
{7c2aa065-84c3-4301-b2c4-46149b316071} (FSX only!)
{d7ea08bf-d542-4932-b1c7-8bd407de637b} (FSX only!)
{fe1e6bdf-de85-40a2-99af-e8cb1211ed61} (FSX only!)
{b7ff66d3-8175-438d-bbb1-7e3dd206ccc4} (FSX only!)
{7815370a-2462-4f3a-92ec-b5ed39b592cc} (FSX only!)



ag_uswarehouse02 {3151fd7c-ddaa-4b2e-808f-1aed883e47d5} (FSX only!)
agn_warehsehong_1 {8a833f86-b634-47dc-82c7-8824a443dcca} (FSX only!)
ag_FastFood_5 {5d048bf7-4673-4b0e-83d5-2284f8a424cd}
ag_eurskyscraper01 {9161faa2-bf46-468e-96e9-c2f0d934e3a2} (FSX only!)

Mooney2 {0620b743-d078-419a-9084-430f382e2586} (FSX only!)
SP19 {fc9990d4-bc8a-467c-8fff-9b89db337eea} (FSX only!)

gen_pillboxconcrete01 {9dbd8aaa-1140-4917-95bc-4aac601be5ff} (FSX only!)


medium_tower4 {dc6a2ada-3104-4fbc-9030-5b58906c3834}
air_ndb_dmetower {401cb2c5-1791-4757-81ea-163fcb6693e8} (FSX only!)
AIR_Fire_Station_Large {f4442333-bbe4-4156-95bf-2b25123afe97} (FSX only!)
gen_TACAN {3ef3d3f9-fc95-4109-93b1-eb368b6f58c6}
Medium_Fuel_Station {88d34df2-94ba-4068-a5a0-59609aeecade}

GEN_Jodel_Wheeled {28b72c24-aa9b-43f3-bf3d-f1f3a4107657} (FSX only!)
GEN_Plane_J3Cub {9244f459-9765-45b7-85bb-aee46322650e} (FSX only!)
Gen_Plane_LoopyLarry {a371ab85-1f00-4509-81be-8ec206699c32} (FSX only!)
GEN_Plane_SuperCub_Bush {226eebe3-82e8-4fe8-adb9-1d4bd9f54793} (FSX only!)

VEH_Air_FireTruck_Euro {130cc312-b712-4335-85a6-e0cb5a5274e1} (FSX only!)
VEH_Air_FireTruck_US_Red {dbf53c30-d46c-43b6-b0ef-388c4ac9af79} (FSX only!)
VEH_Air_FireTruck_US_Green {3053b700-9f7b-4e11-81b8-b1d205a921b1} (FSX only!)
VEH_Air_CaterTruck_Euro {0892939a-f66a-4df6-8021-658e01bcbf1c} (FSX only!)
VEH_Air_BagTractor_US_White {68bc60f6-43cf-44bf-818a-abdd2ad87082} (FSX only!)
veh02c {a75cbe2c-0479-416e-a833-5f1b8ccc0f93}



Ford Transit Collection.bgl:



Files Used in this Scenery

Number of objects: 24

ez_uk buildings_v3.bgl

ez_uk buildings_v3.bgl:

ag_uswarehouse05 {dcfaa06f-1588-4e00-9380-9e1aad009eec} (FSX only!)
agn_warehsectkh_1 {d041ea42-3e7d-427c-9af8-3116b507ff97} (FSX only!)

Files Used in this Scenery

Number of objects: 10



Files Used in this Scenery

Number of objects: 37

ag_eurhouse06 {3e34f936-2f9a-43ce-8f64-978291267105} (FSX only!)

Files Used in this Scenery

Number of objects: 23


lens ez vehicles vol1.bgl


ag_uswarehouse04 {722c1483-7caa-4997-822c-b7f817f326d4} (FSX only!)
ag_uswarehouse03 {c5193ec1-dff6-435f-86ed-25b3f6e3e9f2} (FSX only!)
agn_warehsectkh_1 {d041ea42-3e7d-427c-9af8-3116b507ff97} (FSX only!)
agn_warehsectkh_2 {e6c47198-ce7f-4a39-8633-4b4d5e0427f3} (FSX only!)
agn_warehseworkshop_3 {b5572de4-e1c4-4ebe-ba59-693dbd224041} (FSX only!)

lens ez vehicles vol1.bgl:


The archive egnh_bla.zip has 12 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
ReadmeFirst.txt11.14.0711.70 kB
EGNH Blackpool.pdf11.14.071.11 MB
Blackpool EGNH.bgl11.12.0717.38 kB
cvxBLACKPOOL.BGL11.12.072.27 kB
EGNHsceneryAirfield.BGL11.12.073.23 kB
EGNHsceneryhouses.BGL11.14.072.25 kB
EGNHscenerylighting.BGL11.12.07572 B
EGNHsceneryPontins.BGL11.11.071.82 kB
EGNHscenerywarehouses.BGL11.11.071.17 kB
File_ID.DIZ11.14.07209 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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