FSX Battures de Beauport Scenery

PreviewBattures de Beauport, Quebec, Canada. This scenery shows a portion of the Quebec port where raw materials (coal, ore) are handled. By Pierre Baillargeon, Ailes Quebecoises.

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Battures de Beauport, Quebec, Canada. This scenery shows a portion of the Quebec port where raw materials (coal, ore) are handled. By Pierre Baillargeon, Ailes Quebecoises.

Battures de Beauport Scenery.

Battures de Beauport Scenery.

This scenery shows a portion of the Quebec port where are handled raw materials (coal, ore). This place is called : Les battures de Beauport.

Instructions to install "Les Battures de Beauport" Scenery:

The installation is perform in the following steps.

1) Create a directory to hold the scenery files.
2) Copy scenery file in the new directory created.
3) Activage the scenery in Flight Simulator X.

Each steps is described below.

1) Create a directory to hold the scenery files.

the directory for this scenery could be created within the directory where you usually put your other sceneries. If it is your first shot at adding a scenery, you can create a new directory where this scene and any future scene could be located. For instance it could be the "My FSX Scenery" Directory and you can locate it anywhere on your hard disk. The My Document folders could be used. The directory name you select is irrelevant as the system will ask you to navigate to the directory when you will activate the scenery.

When your main scenery directory is created, you can create a sub-directory to hold this scenery. For instance, we can use "Battures" to name this folder.

2) Copy the files for the scenery in the new directory created:

When your sub-directory for this scenery is created (we will assume you named it "Battures" herewith), you can unzip the files in a temporary directory then compy the "Scenery" directory in the "Battures" directory.

The scenery file have two following files:

- Battures_Beauport_textures_sol.bgl
- Battures_de_Beauport_objets.BGL

The first one is the satellite photo for the ground. This satellite photo has been modified to create day and night variation and a winter one. The second file hold the different objects for the scenery, namely: tanks, buildings, coal and ore pile, cranes then boats.

3) Activate the scenery in FSX

To activate the scenery, you must start from the main menu of FSX. Click on the parameter item menu.

Then click on "Library" and then on "Add Zone" Button. FSX will open a dialog box to let you navigate and select the sub-directory where the scenery is located. In this example, the "Battures" directory.

You can change the scenery title if you wish.

Et voila!

These files are supplied AS-IS. No warranties or guarantees are implied or supplied.

Have a good flight !!

Battures de Beauport Scenery.

Battures de Beauport Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive battures.zip has 12 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Battures_Beauport_textures_sol.bgl03.24.087.40 MB
Battures_de_Beauport_objets.BGL03.09.085.09 kB
marinas.bak02.16.08364 B
Projet_SbuilderX_Davie_PB_OBX.bak03.09.082.84 kB
Ultramar.Bak02.17.08156 B
Battures Beauport - Lisez moi.txt03.25.085.42 kB
Battures Beauport - Read me.txt03.25.083.50 kB
Battures_view_1.jpg03.25.0843.97 kB
Battures_view_2.jpg03.25.0887.34 kB
Battures_view_3.jpg03.25.085.95 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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