FSX Gouin Dam - Barrage Gouin Scenery

PreviewGouin Dam / Barrage Gouin. Gouin dam (CTP3) is a waterdrome north of La Tuque (CYLQ), Quebec, Canada. By Jean St-Cyr.

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Gouin Dam / Barrage Gouin. Gouin dam (CTP3) is a waterdrome north of La Tuque (CYLQ), Quebec, Canada. By Jean St-Cyr.

Gouin Dam - Barrage Gouin Scenery.

Gouin Dam - Barrage Gouin Scenery.

The Gouin Reservoir (in French: Réservoir Gouin) is a man-made lake in the central portion of the Canadian province of Quebec. It is not one contiguous body of water, but the collective name for a series of connected lakes separated by innumerable bays, peninsulas, and islands with highly irregular shapes.

It has therefore a relative long shoreline of over 5,600 km (excluding islands) compared to its surface area of 1,570 km².[1] It is the source of the Saint-Maurice River.

The reservoir is named after Jean Lomer Gouin, who was Premier of Quebec when, in 1918, the Shawinigan, Water & Power Company impounded the reservoir for hydroelectric development.

The Gouin Reservoir has no generating station at its dam, but is used to control the flow of the St-Maurice River for the stations down-stream (all operated now by Hydro-Québec).

There are no paved roads to the Gouin Reservoir, but it is accessible by several unpaved forest roads and by bush plane. The reservoir is a popular fishing destination with numerous commercial outfitters and private lodges along its shores.


Gouin dam (ICAO: CTP3) and it's near area contains many of the real buildings:
- Dock
- Privates chalets (real offroad truck near one chalet)
- Hydro-Quebec house
- Smurfit-Stone building
- Barrage Gouin outfitter buildings (2)
- Kids games near the dock
- Sand runway south of the dam (near the river) that fits with the landscape provided by Gilles Gauthier's meshes.

L'Aventurier du Gouin outfitter (ICAO: CB31) N48° 34’ 45’’ W74° 32’ 50’’
- Sand runway that fits with the landscape provided by Gilles Gauthier's meshes.
- Added some FSX default buildings since we didn't had enough pictures to create the real facilities.
- Dock




You must install Gilles Gauthier's meshes in order to see the dam at the right place.


SCENERY: Copy the files to the "Addon Scenery" of your Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) folder.

EFFECTS: In order to have the effects over the bridges and buildings, copy the content of the "Effects" folder to your "Effects" folder of FSX.

FSX: Activate the scene into your "FSX Scenery Library".

Start FSX and enjoy flying over Quebec city!!!!


- 1.00 Initial release.

This flight simulator product has been produced by Jean St-Cyr and Gilles Boily.

This package is freeware and is to remain freeware.

We do not believe that this file can in any way harm you or your property. Use it at your own risk.

Have fun flying over Quebec city!

Jean St-Cyr

Gouin Dam - Barrage Gouin Scenery.

Gouin Dam - Barrage Gouin Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

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The archive bgouinx.zip has 60 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
BarrageGouin05.18.090 B
BGouinX.jpg05.18.0916.16 kB
Effects07.22.070 B
fx_WaterFall_BGouin.fx05.21.073.76 kB
Readme.txt04.06.085.64 kB
Readme_FR.txt04.06.085.42 kB
Scenery03.29.080 B
BarrageGouin.BGL03.16.081.66 MB
BarrageGouin01.BGL03.16.08156 B
BarrageGouin02.BGL03.16.08284 B
BarrageGouin991.BGL03.16.082.98 kB
CB31_JS.BGL03.29.08452 B
CTP3_ADE_JS.BGL03.25.08438 B
Reservoir_Gouin_lwm.BGL05.25.07297.43 kB
Reservoir_Gouin_vtp.BGL05.25.07450.32 kB
zBARRAGESABLE_Add.BGL05.23.07339 B
ScreenShot04.07.080 B
At_The_Dock.jpg03.28.08177.03 kB
Chalets_south_of_the_dam.jpg04.06.0848.94 kB
Chalets_south_of_the_dam01.jpg04.06.0841.29 kB
Chalets_south_of_the_dam02.jpg04.06.0836.85 kB
Chalets_south_of_the_dam03.jpg04.06.0835.29 kB
Chalets_south_of_the_dam04.jpg04.06.0839.88 kB
Dock01.jpg04.06.0837.06 kB
Dock_and_outfitter_chalet.jpg04.06.0833.70 kB
FlyingOverGouinDam.jpg03.28.08149.78 kB
GouinDam01.jpg04.06.0822.99 kB
GouinDam01_CVQ.jpg04.07.0818.99 kB
GouinDam02.jpg04.06.0828.36 kB
GouinDam04.jpg04.06.0826.13 kB
OutFitterChalet.jpg04.06.0848.98 kB
Real_VS_Virtual.jpg07.15.071.22 MB
SandRunway.jpg03.28.08144.71 kB
SideView.jpg04.06.0839.61 kB
TheSandRunway_south_of_the_dam.jpg04.06.0852.19 kB
The_Real_And_The_Virtual.jpg07.15.07825.54 kB
Thumbs.db04.24.09118.00 kB
Texture07.24.070 B
BarrageGouin01.dds07.14.07682.79 kB
BarrageRestaurant.dds07.22.07682.79 kB
cdn_flag.dds07.15.07170.79 kB
ChaletD01.dds07.09.07682.79 kB
ChaletD01_nuit.dds06.28.07682.79 kB
ChaletD01_specular.dds06.28.07682.79 kB
ChaletD02.dds07.09.07170.79 kB
ChaletD02_nuit.dds07.09.07170.79 kB
ChaletD02_specular.dds07.09.07170.79 kB
ChaletD03.dds07.09.07170.79 kB
ChaletD03_nuit.dds07.09.07170.79 kB
ChaletD03_specular.dds07.09.07170.79 kB
ChaletD04.dds07.10.07682.79 kB
concrete.dds05.20.07170.79 kB
concrete_BGouin.dds07.15.07170.79 kB
metal_3020588.dds05.20.07170.79 kB
wood.dds06.28.07170.79 kB
thumbnail.gif04.06.087.60 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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