FSX Deanland Airfield Scenery

PreviewDeanland Airfield Scenery for FSX and Horizon GenX Photographic Scenery Vol. 1 by Trevor Clark. Deanland is a small private airfield on the edge of the new South Downs National Park in the south of the UK. It includes many animated objects and full autogen trees for the surrounding area. In order...

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Deanland Airfield Scenery for FSX and Horizon GenX Photographic Scenery Vol. 1 by Trevor Clark. Deanland is a small private airfield on the edge of the new South Downs National Park in the south of the UK. It includes many animated objects and full autogen trees for the surrounding area. In order to use this scenery you need to have the UK VFR object library installed (UKVFR.ZIP). This version will not work properly with default scenery.

Deanland Airfield Scenery.

Deanland Airfield Scenery.

Please Note:
If you any of my previous scenery ‘Linley Hill for FSX’, then you should just skip this next section and go straight to the Installing Deanland add-on scenery section of this document.

First, download and install and activate the UK VFR Object Library….

To see all the added features and buildings, you must have installed and active on your FSX the scenery library from UK VFR.

Name: ukvfr.zip Size: 44,781,123 Date: 02-28-2008 Downloads: 1,669
FSX UK VFR Add-ons. A scenery set required by many add-on sceneries, made easy to download and set up for FSX. Some of the libraries don't work with FSX but the majority are okay. Uploaded with permission from Alan Fidler. By Neil Birch.

To install and activate in your scenery library of FSX, please follow the instructions included with the file, Although quite a large file (30-40meg), it will provide a great amount of details that are specific to UK sceneries and will be used on my future sceneries and those of a great many other developers. Once installed and activated, all the buildings and assorted vehicles will appear on any scenery using this library.

Installing Deanland add-on scenery:

Once you have installed the above files, copy the file 'Deanland' included in this zip folder into your FSX add-on scenery file, it will be something like this ….
C\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addonscenery\ Deanland, depending on what letter drive you have your FSX installed. C drive is the most common.

You must then activate the scenery by selecting (within the menu of FSX) settings-scenery Library- Add Scenery. A box will be displayed showing your FSX folder. Click on add-on scenery to open this file and then highlight (with your mouse) the folder called ‘Deanland Airfield’. Whilst high- lighted, click OK. The simulator will take a few minutes to build a new data base and will the return to the menu page.

One installed the airfield can be found in the ‘Go to’ menu under either it’s name, code EGNY or the town of Lewes.

Extra Autogen Trees Option….

Although the landscape around Deanland is pretty hilly and very green, so I have made a set of autogen tress that add represent this tree filled part of Sussex and help navigate around the airfield circuit at low level.

To install these trees, place the entire contents (loads of small files that should be cut and pasted) of the file called ‘autogenvol1area3’ into the drive where you keep your Horizon VFR Gen X folder, following the path below…

F:\VFR-Gen-X-2.0\Volume1\Area3\2.4m Photo\texture

Please note my scenery is on F drive (it is better if you have the option to install all the Horizon VFR X scenery on a DIFFERENT drive to FSX and your Windows operating system, but not essential.), yours may well be on C:\

Please Note…
If FSX is running, you may need to re-start it to see the trees.

Because of the way autogen is created, the trees in the above file should have little impact on frame rates, if you have any problems, try setting the autogen levels to ‘normal’ via the slider in the scenery settings..

Performance Issues?
This scenery is not too complex for most modern PCs, but if you suffer slower frame rates, try de-activating the scenery in FSX using 'delete scenery' option, deleting (highlight with curser, right click - select delete file) one or both of the files called ‘deanlandextras 1 and/or 2' and adding the scenery again. This will remove some of the eye-candy both on the airfield and surrounding area, but will leave all the basics intact.

I have set all the scenery objects to appear at ‘normal’ levels in the settings/scenery complexity levels, some or all will not appear at levels lower than this. Increasing to complex or very complex will not make anything else appear. With more complex projects, I will use this feature more.

The scenery has not been tested using default scenery, and will not work in any other simulator other than FSX, ideally with SP2 or Acceleration Pack installed too.

Not tested in DX10.

Known problem with this release:
None that I know of, but this airfield is not set up for AI movements, so just use it as a place to visit.

This scenery was made by studying aerial and mapping photographs and Google Earth, as well as public information on the internet. I have never actually visited the airfield and have interpreted the layout and buildings as best as I can, using the readily available scenery objects for FSX. Please be aware that airfields change, what I have created is a generic version of the field as it appears at sometime over the past 5 years.

Deanland Airfield Scenery.

Deanland Airfield Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive deanlandairfield.zip has 184 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Deanland Airfield FSX11.21.090 B
autogen vol1 area311.21.090 B
011220222200000an.agn11.19.09132 B
011220222200002an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222200003an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222200010an.agn11.19.09132 B
011220222200012an.agn11.19.09216 B
011220222200013an.agn11.19.09244 B
011220222200020an.agn11.19.09168 B
011220222200021an.agn11.19.09352 B
011220222200022an.agn11.19.09252 B
011220222200023an.agn11.19.09200 B
011220222200030an.agn11.19.09392 B
011220222200031an.agn11.19.09244 B
011220222200032an.agn11.19.09352 B
011220222200100an.agn11.19.09296 B
011220222200101an.agn11.19.09140 B
011220222200102an.agn11.19.09176 B
011220222200103an.agn11.19.09184 B
011220222200110an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222200112an.agn11.19.09148 B
011220222200113an.agn11.19.09360 B
011220222200120an.agn11.19.09168 B
011220222200121an.agn11.19.09172 B
011220222200123an.agn11.19.09348 B
011220222200130an.agn11.19.09300 B
011220222200131an.agn11.19.09324 B
011220222200132an.agn11.19.09384 B
011220222200133an.agn11.19.09244 B
011220222200203an.agn11.19.09196 B
011220222200212an.agn11.19.09132 B
011220222200213an.agn11.19.09176 B
011220222200231an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222200232an.agn11.19.09176 B
011220222200300an.agn11.19.09288 B
011220222200301an.agn11.19.09324 B
011220222200303an.agn11.19.09216 B
011220222200310an.agn11.19.09336 B
011220222200311an.agn11.19.09156 B
011220222200312an.agn11.19.09176 B
011220222200313an.agn11.19.09168 B
011220222200331an.agn11.19.09176 B
011220222200333an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222201000an.agn11.19.09244 B
011220222201001an.agn11.19.09244 B
011220222201002an.agn11.19.09332 B
011220222201003an.agn11.19.09288 B
011220222201010an.agn11.19.09140 B
011220222201011an.agn11.19.09180 B
011220222201012an.agn11.19.09220 B
011220222201013an.agn11.19.09248 B
011220222201020an.agn11.19.09296 B
011220222201022an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222201023an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222201032an.agn11.19.09252 B
011220222201033an.agn11.19.09244 B
011220222201102an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222201103an.agn11.19.09148 B
011220222201112an.agn11.19.09216 B
011220222201120an.agn11.19.09192 B
011220222201122an.agn11.19.09236 B
011220222201123an.agn11.19.09312 B
011220222201132an.agn11.19.09192 B
011220222201133an.agn11.19.09224 B
011220222201201an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222201202an.agn11.19.09200 B
011220222201210an.agn11.19.09304 B
011220222201211an.agn11.19.09296 B
011220222201212an.agn11.19.09308 B
011220222201213an.agn11.19.09200 B
011220222201220an.agn11.19.09276 B
011220222201221an.agn11.19.09208 B
011220222201222an.agn11.19.09220 B
011220222201223an.agn11.19.09516 B
011220222201230an.agn11.19.09328 B
011220222201232an.agn11.19.09328 B
011220222201233an.agn11.19.09864 B
011220222201300an.agn11.19.09252 B
011220222201301an.agn11.19.09408 B
011220222201302an.agn11.19.09364 B
011220222201303an.agn11.19.09208 B
011220222201310an.agn11.19.09208 B
011220222201311an.agn11.19.09236 B
011220222201312an.agn11.19.09316 B
011220222201313an.agn11.19.09252 B
011220222201320an.agn11.19.09132 B
011220222201321an.agn11.19.09184 B
011220222201322an.agn11.19.09576 B
011220222201323an.agn11.19.09392 B
011220222201330an.agn11.19.09260 B
011220222201331an.agn11.19.09176 B
011220222201332an.agn11.19.09132 B
011220222202003an.agn11.19.09236 B
011220222202010an.agn11.19.09140 B
011220222202011an.agn11.19.09212 B
011220222202013an.agn11.19.09116 B
011220222202030an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222202031an.agn11.19.09268 B
011220222202100an.agn11.19.09276 B
011220222202102an.agn11.19.09352 B
011220222202103an.agn11.19.09424 B
011220222202112an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222202120an.agn11.19.09252 B
011220222202121an.agn11.19.09116 B
011220222202122an.agn11.19.09184 B
011220222202123an.agn11.19.09168 B
011220222202130an.agn11.19.09184 B
011220222202132an.agn11.19.09168 B
011220222202133an.agn11.19.09288 B
011220222202210an.agn11.19.09168 B
011220222202310an.agn11.19.09244 B
011220222202311an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222203001an.agn11.19.09500 B
011220222203003an.agn11.19.09288 B
011220222203010an.agn11.19.09512 B
011220222203011an.agn11.19.091.11 kB
011220222203012an.agn11.19.09516 B
011220222203013an.agn11.19.09592 B
011220222203022an.agn11.19.09176 B
011220222203023an.agn11.19.09256 B
011220222203030an.agn11.19.09200 B
011220222203031an.agn11.19.09224 B
011220222203033an.agn11.19.09140 B
011220222203100an.agn11.19.09528 B
011220222203101an.agn11.19.09200 B
011220222203102an.agn11.19.09512 B
011220222203103an.agn11.19.09268 B
011220222203110an.agn11.19.09176 B
011220222203111an.agn11.19.09200 B
011220222203120an.agn11.19.09168 B
011220222203121an.agn11.19.09304 B
011220222203122an.agn11.19.09140 B
011220222203123an.agn11.19.09240 B
011220222203130an.agn11.19.09140 B
011220222203131an.agn11.19.09404 B
011220222203132an.agn11.19.09356 B
011220222203133an.agn11.19.09492 B
011220222203200an.agn11.19.09180 B
011220222203201an.agn11.19.09116 B
011220222203202an.agn11.19.09228 B
011220222203211an.agn11.19.09140 B
011220222203212an.agn11.19.09184 B
011220222203223an.agn11.19.09132 B
011220222203230an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222203231an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222203232an.agn11.19.09124 B
011220222203301an.agn11.19.09148 B
011220222203302an.agn11.19.09140 B
011220222203310an.agn11.19.09444 B
011220222203311an.agn11.19.09404 B
011220222203312an.agn11.19.09228 B
011220222203313an.agn11.19.09168 B
011220222203320an.agn11.19.09168 B
011220222203321an.agn11.19.09176 B
011220222203322an.agn11.19.09176 B
011220222203323an.agn11.19.09168 B
011220222203330an.agn11.19.09444 B
011220222203331an.agn11.19.09260 B
011220222203333an.agn11.19.09256 B
Deanland11.21.090 B
Deanland Airfield Layout Map.JPG11.18.0931.88 kB
Deanland for FSX Instructions.doc11.21.09664.00 kB
deanland google.jpg11.20.09257.09 kB
Deanland Instructions text only.txt11.21.096.92 kB
Deanland RW airfield.jpg11.20.0992.28 kB
deanland RW approach.jpg11.20.0956.51 kB
Deanland thumbnail.jpg11.20.0919.52 kB
Deanland1.jpg11.20.09190.80 kB
Deanland3.jpg11.20.09238.79 kB
Scenery11.21.090 B
cvxDEANLAND.BGL11.18.09748 B
cvxDEANLANDEDGE.BGL11.18.09308 B
cvxONEMORE.BGL11.18.09252 B
deanlandextras1.bgl11.19.096.79 kB
deanlandextras2.bgl11.19.091.64 kB
denhill area buildings.bgl11.19.097.17 kB
EGKL_.BGL11.18.091.72 kB
Texture11.21.090 B
file ID.txt11.21.09482 B
Thumbs.db11.21.097.50 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Bob LomasWed, 19 Jun 2013 13:44:19 GMT

I fly my Ant Tiger Moth from Deanland but only as it is on Horizon. I downloaded your airfield model and have it in my scenery file in FSX but it doesn't come up in the game when I select it. I attempted to download from the other sources you recommend but got into a real muddle trying to register. After a number of my attempts being turned down for reasons such as my birthday not being a real date I gave up. I can rebuild aero-engines and airframes and fly anywhere on basic instruments but computers are an anathema to me, but thank you for trying, it was a nice idea, Bob Lomas.

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