FSX Harare International Airport (Africa) Scenery

PreviewScenery Harare International Airport, in Zimbabwe, Africa. A complete custom designed airport with custom designed terminals, hangars and admin buildings. It also has a custom AFCAD and a photoreal base that changes with the seasons. Works best with FSX acceleration or SP2. Acceleration users wil...

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Scenery Harare International Airport, in Zimbabwe, Africa. A complete custom designed airport with custom designed terminals, hangars and admin buildings. It also has a custom AFCAD and a photoreal base that changes with the seasons. Works best with FSX acceleration or SP2. Acceleration users will have more eye candy. By Jacques Botha and Frits Beyer.

Aerial view of Harare International Airport.

Aerial view of Harare International Airport.

Instructions :

1.Unzip "Harare.zip" to a temp folder.

2.Copy the "Harare_FVHA" folder to your "FSX/scenery" folder.

3.Copy the "AFX_FAHA_ALT.bgl" file to your "FSX/scenery/world/scenery" folder.

4.Run FSX.

5.On the main page go to "settings".

6.Now click on "scenery library".

7.Now click on "Add area" and search for the scenery folder.

8.Double click on the scenery folder and look for the"Harare_FVHA" folder.

9.NB !!!!!! click on this folder only once ! and then click on "OK".

10.The scenery will now load !

11.Go to free flight and choose "FVHA" to start your flight !

Windows 7 users follow the following instructions:

1.Unzip "Harare.zip" to a temp folder.

2.Copy the "Harare_FVHA" folder to your "FSX/scenery" folder.

3.Copy the "AFX_FVHA_ALT.bgl" file to your "FSX/scenery/world/scenery" folder.

4.Run FSX.

5.On the main page go to "settings".

6.Now click on "scenery library".

7.Now click on "Add area" and search for the scenery folder.

8.Double click on the scenery folder and look for the"Harare_FVHA" folder.

9.Double click on this folder and then you shall see a texture and a scenery folder.Click on the white area outside the two folders.

10.The scenery will now load !

11.Go to free flight and choose "FALM" to start your flight !

Enjoy !

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive harare-1.zip has 46 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Harare10.12.100 B
AFX_FVHA_ALT.bgl10.11.10512 B
FAHA_Readme.txt10.12.102.45 kB
Harare.jpg10.12.1038.94 kB
Harare_FVHA10.12.100 B
scenery10.12.100 B
001_AFX_FVHA.bgl10.12.1026.57 kB
cvxHARARE_GOLF1.BGL10.03.10228 B
cvxHARARE_GOLF2.BGL10.03.10322 B
cvxHARARE_GOLF3.BGL10.03.10251 B
cvxHARARE_ROAD1.BGL10.03.101.24 kB
cvxHARARE_ROAD2.BGL10.03.10247 B
cvxHARARE_ROAD3.BGL10.03.102.33 kB
cvxHARARE_ROAD4.BGL10.03.108.67 kB
Harare Photo.bgl10.01.101.24 MB
HARARE_EXCLUDER_Scenery.BGL10.03.10112 B
Harare_EZ_scenery.bgl10.12.1012.90 kB
Har_EZveg_scenery.bgl10.12.1017.82 kB
lights ss v2.bgl12.26.07628.35 kB
Zim_library.bgl10.11.10236.64 kB
texture10.12.100 B
Harare Tower.bmp10.04.10170.75 kB
Harare Tower_LM.bmp10.04.10170.75 kB
Harare Outoring.dds10.11.10170.80 kB
Harare Outoring_LM.dds10.11.10170.80 kB
Harare tower 2.dds10.04.10170.80 kB
Harare_groot Hangar_LM.dds10.04.10170.80 kB
Harare_hangars.dds10.04.10170.80 kB
Harare_hangars_LM.dds10.04.10170.80 kB
HAR_Groot _Hanger.dds10.07.10170.80 kB
HAR_Groot _Hanger_LM.dds10.07.10170.80 kB
Har_ribadmin.dds10.11.10170.80 kB
Har_ribadmin_LM.dds10.11.10170.80 kB
light head white.bmp12.26.0742.73 kB
light head white_LM.bmp12.26.0742.73 kB
light head zinc.bmp12.26.0742.73 kB
light head zinc_LM.bmp12.26.0742.73 kB
Light.bmp06.26.0842.75 kB
Light_LM.bmp06.26.0842.75 kB
Ou_admin.dds10.04.10170.80 kB
Ou_admin_LM.dds10.04.10170.80 kB
Window.bmp09.04.10341.43 kB
Zimflag.bmp10.04.10170.75 kB
Zimflag_LM.bmp10.04.10170.75 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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mpWed, 01 Jul 2020 15:58:28 GMT

The airport id is all over the place in this release; FVHA, and FALM are mentioned in the readme; FVRG is the real one.

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