FSX HMCS True North Battlegroup Scenery

Preview HMCS True North Battlegroup. A logical follow on to the Majestic CVL, the incomplete HMS Audacious was purchased by the RCN and completed to Ark Royal's standard. A repaint for the Flying Stations HMS Ark Royal as HMCS True North, two repaints for Hama's FSX Coast Guard ship and DDG Hamagiri a...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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HMCS True North Battlegroup. A logical follow on to the Majestic CVL, the incomplete HMS Audacious was purchased by the RCN and completed to Ark Royal's standard. A repaint for the Flying Stations HMS Ark Royal as HMCS True North, two repaints for Hama's FSX Coast Guard ship and DDG Hamagiri as a hypothetical 'River' class DDG and a Patrol-Training Frigate of the 'Town' class, a simple repaint of the default Acceleration EH-101 in RCN utility marks, and a simple repaint for the simple AI NH-90 by JP Baril as a plane guard helio A home afloat for FSX Royal Canadian Navy operations. For use with FSX Acceleration and the AICarriers utillities. By AI Retro Carriers Group.

Screenshot of HMCS True North Battlegroup.

Screenshot of HMCS True North Battlegroup.

Required files :The Ark Royal by Flying Stations and JP Baril's" ILE D'YEU " Model package for the NH-90. FSX Coast Guard ship and FSX Hamagiri by Mitsuya Hamaguchi may be foun by searching 'Mitsuya Hamaguchi'. Installs just like any othe repaints. Add AICarriers formation to your AICarriers config file. With the gracious permission of the Flying Stations.com crew, thanks to JP Baril for the brilliant " ILE D'YEU " pack, and Mitsuya Hamaguchi for all of his superlative ships. MEDIC's superb RCN IRIS phantom repaints can be found at Sim OutHouse. Repaint package by the Retro Carriers Group. All files are freeware.

Screenshot of fighter jet flying past carrier.

Screenshot of fighter jet flying past carrier.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive hmcstruenorthbattlegroupfsx.zip has 24 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
CV23 Truenorth BattlegroupX07.31.110 B
add to AICarriers config file.txt07.31.11176 B
sim.cfg07.30.11973 B
texture.1.zip07.31.11233.65 kB
for AI_Tsugaru_CG cutter07.31.110 B
sim.cfg07.30.111.04 kB
texture.PortRenfrew.zip07.31.11594.26 kB
For Ark Royal07.31.110 B
sim.cfg07.02.111.28 kB
texture.1.zip07.31.112.91 MB
for Default Accel EH-10107.31.110 B
add to aircraft config.txt07.31.11681 B
texture.RCN.zip07.31.113.24 MB
HMCS True North Battlegroup.jpg07.31.11154.61 kB
Medic'sCF-4K FSXFS9 IRIS Phantom FG1 807sn RCN cammo repaint.jpg07.31.11192.54 kB
NH90_AI07.31.110 B
sim.cfg07.30.11835 B
texture.1.zip07.31.111.09 MB
PTF Town class.jpg07.31.11146.34 kB
Readme.txt07.31.111.37 kB
River class DDG.jpg07.31.11212.63 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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