FSX BCATP Total Stations To Date Scenery

BCATP Total Stations To Date. These airports have been located in the flight simulator to mesh with Ultimate Terrain's roads. Includes approximately 160 British Commonwealth Air Training Plan airports from the 1940's. By Grant Wilson and Al Gay / Flight Ontario.

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BCATP Total Stations To Date. These airports have been located in the flight simulator to mesh with Ultimate Terrain's roads. Includes approximately 160 British Commonwealth Air Training Plan airports from the 1940's. By Grant Wilson and Al Gay / Flight Ontario.

Screenshot of BCATP Total Stations Scenery.

Screenshot of BCATP Total Stations Scenery.

If not already there, this installer will install a folder called BCATP_FSX in the Add-on Scenery folder of your FSX installation. This will install all of the BCATP stations that have been completed to date. If you already have BCATP_FSX installed ,PLEASE REMOVE THE BCATP FOLDER COMPLETELY before installing this one.

These airports have been located in the flight simulator to mesh with Ultimate Terrain’s roads.

Ultimate Terrain is not a necessity but will greatly enhance your flying experience.

This scenery has been made to blend in with Flight Ontario’s Landclass Scenery. Installing it will greatly enhance your visual experience.


1. Unzip the BCATP FSX Total Stations to date.zip to a temporary folder and run the Installer.

2. Activate the BCATP Scenery in the FSX Scenery folder.

3. This installer will also install a scenery called “EXCLUDES”. You need to activate it in the FSX Scenery Library and you may have to move it as it must be placed BELOW (larger number) than the BCATP FSX Scenery.


Flight Ontario would like acknowledge the help and support we have received from others that also enjoy this great Flight Simulator hobby.

1. Archives of the Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum for allowing us to use and make available, the overhead photographs that they so kindly supplied to us. Also the much appreciated help and expertise from the staff of CATPM.
2. John MacKay for those aircraft, both AI and Scenery objects that he made, as well as some aircraft painting and his very generous help in tutoring that allowed us at Flight Ontario to produce ourselves, many of the aircraft scenery objects that we required.
3. Felipe Belalcazar for the aircraft scenery objects that he made for us.
4. Yeh-li Shen for the P40 aircraft scenery object that she made for us.
5. The help afforded us by the staff of the No. 6 Dunnville Museum and for the blueprints and drawings they supplied us.
6. Dr. John Higginbottom for supplying us with a set of Sectional Charts that cover the complete area of Canada where the BCATP Stations were located.
7. Bill Purcell of SNC Lavalin PROFAC for the his cooperation and help with blueprints.

Special thanks to the people who designed these FREE tools that enable folks like us to exercise our hobby:

Gmax by………..……………….…Discreet
Sbuilder by………………………...Luis Sa
AFCAD & Traffic Tools………..…Lee Swordy
DXTBmp…………………………..Martin Wright
FST Flatten………………………...Steve Greenwood
Tcalc……………………………….Richard Ludowise


The authors are not responsible for any damage, which may result from the use of this product. Use at your own risk. No warranty or guarantee is offered.

We hope you enjoy our latest work.

Grant Wilson

Al Gay

Flight Ontario

The archive bcatp_fsx_01_aug_11.zip has 5 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Read-me BCATP FS9 Total Stations to date.doc07.31.1135.00 kB
Read-me BCATP FS9 Total Stations to date.txt08.01.113.64 kB
BCATP_FSX_Total_Stations_To_Date_01_Aug_11.exe08.01.1146.53 MB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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