FSX North American P-51D-15-NA's 356th FG

PreviewThis file contains two texture sets for the Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang 'Little Friends', depicting aircraft from the 356th FG in 1945. They are 44-15195 'Kathleen' flown by Capt. Raymond R. Withers of the 359th FS, and 44-15666, 'Jett Job', flown by Lt. Shelby N. Jett of the 360th FS. By Dave Quincey.

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3
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25.18 MB
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This file contains two texture sets for the Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang 'Little Friends', depicting aircraft from the 356th FG in 1945. They are 44-15195 'Kathleen' flown by Capt. Raymond R. Withers of the 359th FS, and 44-15666, 'Jett Job', flown by Lt. Shelby N. Jett of the 360th FS. By Dave Quincey.

Screenshot of P-51D 'Kathleen' in flight.

Screenshot of P-51D 'Kathleen' in flight.

Unzip the 356th_FG file to a temporary location. Copy and paste the two textures into your SimObjectsAirplanesP-51D_Little_Friends folder.

Open the aircraft.cfg folder and paste the following after the last [fltsim.xx] entry:-

title = Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang "Little Friends - Jett Job"
sim = P-51D
model = Butch Baby
panel =
sound =
texture = jett
panel_alias =
sound_alias =
kb_checklists =
kb_reference =
atc_id = 666
atc_id_color =
atc_parking_types =
atc_parking_code =
atc_airline= Air Force
ui_manufacturer = North American Aviation
ui_type = WWII P-51D Mustang
ui_variation = "Jett Job"
description = P-51D-15-NA 44-15666 'Jett Job' of the 361st Fs, 356th FG flown by Lt Shelby N. Jett.
visual_damage = 0

title = Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang "Little Friends - Kathleen"
sim = P-51D
model = Butch Baby
panel =
sound =
texture = kathleen
panel_alias =
sound_alias =
kb_checklists =
kb_reference =
atc_id = 195
atc_id_color =
atc_parking_types =
atc_parking_code =
atc_airline= Air Force
ui_manufacturer = North American Aviation
ui_type = WWII P-51D Mustang
ui_variation = "Jett Job"
description = P-51D-15-NA 44-15195 'Kathleen' of the 359th Fs, 356th FG flown by Capt. Raymond R. Withers, and later by Maj. Bobby Childers.
visual_damage = 0

Replace [fltsim.xx] with the next available numbers and save.

These texture sets were created using the excellent paint kit supplied by Warbirdsim's John Terrell. I must also give credit to Paul Randall's invaluable resource on the 8th AF fighter groups.

These repaints are freeware; they can be used and modified as you wish for your own use. They must not be used or sold for commercial gain. If you want to publish any repaints based upon them they must be published as freeware and must acknowledge the authors Dave Quincey, Warbirdsim and John Terrell.

These files are virus-free and have been tested with FSX SP2/Acceleration. I have no reason to suspect they will harm your system but they are used entirely at your own risk.

Dave Quincey

Screenshot of P-51D 'Jett' in flight.

Screenshot of P-51D 'Jett' in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive 356th.zip has 30 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
P-51D Jett Job 4.jpg01.12.12617.89 kB
Readme.txt01.13.122.51 kB
texture.jett01.13.120 B
Exterior_Cockpit.dds06.11.111.00 MB
P-51D_2_T.dds01.13.124.00 MB
P-51D_2_T_Bump.dds11.23.114.00 MB
P-51D_2_TSpec.dds01.13.124.00 MB
P-51D_3_T.dds01.11.124.00 MB
P-51D_3_T_Bump.dds11.20.114.00 MB
P-51D_3_TSpec.dds01.11.124.00 MB
P-51D_INT_5_T.dds08.02.114.00 MB
P-51D_Misc.dds01.11.121.00 MB
Placards.dds01.13.121.00 MB
texture.cfg08.22.07137 B
Thumbnail.jpg01.11.1239.27 kB
texture.kathleen01.13.120 B
Exterior_Cockpit.dds06.11.111.00 MB
P-51D_2_T.dds01.13.124.00 MB
P-51D_2_T_Bump.dds11.23.114.00 MB
P-51D_2_TSpec.dds01.13.124.00 MB
P-51D_3_T.dds01.13.124.00 MB
P-51D_3_T_Bump.dds11.20.114.00 MB
P-51D_3_TSpec.dds01.13.124.00 MB
P-51D_INT_5_T.dds08.02.114.00 MB
P-51D_Misc.dds01.11.121.00 MB
Placards.dds01.13.121.00 MB
texture.cfg08.22.07137 B
Thumbnail.jpg01.13.1234.22 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Patti JettTue, 16 Apr 2013 01:05:04 GMT

Thanks for the pics. Lt. Shelby N. Jett was my father in law's uncle. We use the screen shot of Jett Job as our wallpaper! My father in law loves it.

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