FS2004 Royal Air Maroc Lockheed L-749

PreviewC/n 2675 was delivered to Air France on August 9, 1951 as L749A F-BBDT. Bought by Royal Air Maroc on January 28, 1960 and registered CN-CCN. Converted to freighter and fitted with a front cargo door in November 1961. In June 1970 withdrawn from use and transferred to Royal Air Maroc Centre de For...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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C/n 2675 was delivered to Air France on August 9, 1951 as L749A F-BBDT. Bought by Royal Air Maroc on January 28, 1960 and registered CN-CCN. Converted to freighter and fitted with a front cargo door in November 1961. In June 1970 withdrawn from use and transferred to Royal Air Maroc Centre de Formation Professionnelle at Anfa Airport as a training airframe for ground training. Since 1990 no longer in use but restored and repainted in period Royal Air Maroc colours of 2004/05 and parked outside. Textures only. The FS2004/FSX Lockheed L-749 Constellation Base Kit (LOCKHEED749.ZIP) and the update kit (749_MODELS_UPDATE.ZIP) must be installed. Original by Manfred Jahn & Co (Team 749). Repainted by Hans Hermann, Virtual Birds Factory.

Screenshot of Royal Air Maroc Lockheed L-749 in flight.

Screenshot of Royal Air Maroc Lockheed L-749 in flight.

Original aircraft by Manfred Jahn, Hansjoerg Naegele, Luis Pallas, Bill Tyne, Roland Berger, Volker Boehme, and Stefan Werner.

Repainted by Hans Hermann, Virtual Birds Factory, Germany, using Manfred Jahn's paintkit upgraded by Hans Hermann.

We are happy getting Nikko Yaginuma (Okami) involved in this project for the nice screenshots. He is really a professional in creating virtual scenes.

Many thanks also to Tim Creed for his extensive expert advice and his magnificent assistance in data research. He is also a perfect beta tester with very sharp eyes and always helpful suggestions. We both share the same field of interest: Flight Inspection.

Images & Screenshots

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The archive ram_cn-ccn_01.zip has 37 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
file_id.diz02.19.10839 B
RAM_CN-CCN_01.docs02.19.100 B
RAM_CN-CCN_01_01.jpg02.19.10184.89 kB
RAM_CN-CCN_01_02.jpg02.19.10193.04 kB
RAM_CN-CCN_01_03.jpg02.19.10181.51 kB
RAM_CN-CCN_01_04.jpg02.19.10169.46 kB
RAM_CN-CCN_01_05.jpg02.19.10192.48 kB
RAM_CN-CCN_01_readme.txt02.19.107.17 kB
RAM_CN-CCN_01_01_150.gif02.19.1010.13 kB
RAM_CN-CCN_01_readme.txt02.19.107.17 kB
texture.RAM_CN-CCN_0102.19.100 B
fins_l.bmp02.19.101.07 kB
fins_t.bmp02.19.101.00 MB
floor_2.bmp02.19.1065.05 kB
fuse_L.bmp02.19.101.00 MB
fuse_t.bmp02.19.104.00 MB
propdisk.bmp02.19.10256.07 kB
RAM_CN-CCN_01_01_250.gif02.19.1023.30 kB
shade_01.bmp02.19.1064.07 kB
vc01.BMP02.19.101.00 MB
vc01a_l.bmp02.19.1064.07 kB
vc01_l.bmp02.19.1064.07 kB
vc02.bmp02.19.1064.07 kB
vc02_l.bmp02.19.1064.07 kB
vc03.bmp02.19.101.00 MB
vc03_l.bmp02.19.1064.07 kB
vc04.bmp02.19.101.00 MB
vc04_l.bmp02.19.1064.07 kB
vc05.bmp02.19.101.00 MB
vc05_l.bmp02.19.1064.07 kB
vc06.bmp02.19.101.00 MB
vc06_l.bmp02.19.1064.07 kB
wings_l.bmp02.19.101.07 kB
wings_t.bmp02.19.101.00 MB
_dcal_01.bmp02.19.1064.07 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

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Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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