MSFS Lotmead Farm Airstrip / Wanborough (GB085) Scenery

PreviewA scenery add-on created by developer Neil Birch (Neil's Tours) covering Lotmead Farm Airstrip / Wanborough (GB085) in the United Kingdom for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release.

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Country United Kingdom
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Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 Release
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253.1 MB
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Content Rating
Adam McEnroe

Expert Overview

Lotmead Farm Airstrip (GB085) by Neil Birch offers a meticulously crafted private grass runway set in the scenic Swindon countryside, giving flight enthusiasts a true taste of authentic farm-strip operations. Surrounded by rural farmland, this add-on covers precise terrain modeling, custom objects, and a neatly detailed hangar area that captures the intimate charm of a small aviation hub.

With its short, narrow runway and quiet atmosphere, it encourages skillful short-hop flights around the vibrant Swindon region. Drawing on the developer’s deep experience creating UK farm strips, this scenery showcases a blend of smooth performance, refined visuals, and the appealing realism that Microsoft Flight Simulator fans have come to expect. It’s an engaging addition to your British airstrip collection and well worth exploring.

This mod was installed, tested and reviewed by Adam McEnroe for Fly Away Simulation. Adam is an FS mod expert. Read his bio here.

A scenery add-on created by developer Neil Birch (Neil's Tours) covering Lotmead Farm Airstrip / Wanborough (GB085) in the United Kingdom for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release.

Lotmead Farm Airstrip depicted in Microsoft Flight Simulator after the scenery has been installed.?This scenery pack brings a stunning (and very small) airstrip from the United Kingdom to your copy of MSFS.  Lotmead Farm Airstrip (also known as Kevin Hale's hanger) is a very small private airstrip located in Swindon, UK on Lotmead Farm. 

The designated code is GB085 and has no commercial traffic.

It's a fun airstrip to fly from/to and makes fun short flights in and around the Swindon region.

The developer states;

Situated just East of Swindon and 1/2 mile north of Redlands Airfield, a nice long (if thin) grass strip

Neil (the developer) has released many of these free UK airstrips, farm strips, and airfields in a continual series.  You can also find his payware products on SimShack.

Neil also states;

Required models are included in this download. Many of the models are duplicated in most of my farm strip so if you have already downloaded some of my strips you may already have some of the models so the download size may be irrelevant. No need to overwrite if you already have themodels installed. It will make very little if any to your load times adding these folders. You can use the airfield without models if required.


Simply copy the folder lotmead-airstrip into your MSFS community folder.

Images & Screenshots

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Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Norman AllinsonMon, 02 Jan 2023 23:19:52 GMT

I have the same problem.

john forshnerWed, 27 Apr 2022 16:52:11 GMT

Downloaded the program and installed it into the community folder without any problem. However, cannot find out how to get the program into the map on msfs2020. Putting in the airport code or the name does not work. Also, I cannot find it on the map. Thank you for any help.

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