FSX IPBB Bush Camp Scenery

IPBB Bush Camp, British Columbia, Canada. IPBB ("Ian P's Bigger Base") is a pretty simple scenery, sitting on a lake in the middle of pretty literally nowhere. It's actually only a short flight from Telegraph Creek, but nowhere near any major town or settlement, which is pretty much the idea. The...

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IPBB Bush Camp, British Columbia, Canada. IPBB ("Ian P's Bigger Base") is a pretty simple scenery, sitting on a lake in the middle of pretty literally nowhere. It's actually only a short flight from Telegraph Creek, but nowhere near any major town or settlement, which is pretty much the idea. The town of "D'noyet", where it resides according to the scenery listing, has yet to be built. By Ian Pearson.

IPBB Bush Camp Scenery.

IPBB Bush Camp Scenery.

Thanks for looking at the third in my slowly increasing number of little bush sceneries scattered around the world, intended primarily for me to practice and play about with scenery design.

IPBB ("Ian P's Bigger Base") is a pretty simple scenery, the same as the rest of them, this time sitting on a lake in the middle of pretty literally nowhere. It's actually only a short flight from Telegraph Creek, but nowhere near any major town or settlement, which to be honest was pretty much the idea. The town of "D'noyet", where it resides according to the scenery listing, has yet to be built because that requires me to fathom Landclass design and road building.

The scenery has a reasonable length water runway - the Goose can get in and out without any real difficulty - but it is only suitable for floatplanes and amphibians. You can land a helicopter outside the buildings, but I doubt even the Maule will get down without getting seriously broken at this location.

There are two files enclosed entitled CVX_IPBB_[whatever]. The one entitled "noUTX" is, unsurprisingly, for those people who don't have Ultimate Terrain X Canada installed and running, while the one entitled "UTX_CA" is for people who do have the add-on. Please note that not all the lakes in Canada are shown by default in UTX, so if you install the scenery and don't have a lake, please either enable more lakes in UTX CA or use the "noUTX" version, which includes a lake, albeit not as interesting a lake as the one in UTX.


1) Extract the enclosed directory "IP Bush Scenery" into your [FSX folder]\Addon Scenery directory.

2) If you have Ultimate Terrain X Canada installed and working, you need to do some filename altering to avoid having multiple lakes. If you do NOT have UTX CA installed, you do not need to do this step.

Rename "CVX_IPBB_noUTX.BGL" to "CVX_IPBB_noUTX.BGL.dis" and rename "CVX_IPBB_UTX_CA.BGL.dis" to "CVX_IPBB_UTX_CA.BGL"

You should now only have one lake. I actually had both BGLs running side by side at one point on my system by mistake and it didn't cause any major glitches, but you really only need one or the other.

3) Launch FS, and through the Scenery Library editor, add the directory "Addon Scenery\IP Bush Scenery" to FSX.


Remove the entry from your scenery library, then delete the "IP Bush Scenery" folder from FSX.

Finding IPBB:

The outpost is fully set up to be visible to FSX. It is selectable from the "Free Flight" screen by looking up the ICAO code "IPBB" and has four start locations: One land and three water (two runway ends and the dock).

It can be tracked to using the default GPS or the co-located NDB "PBB" on 356MHz. Unfortunately this seems to be a bit picky about where you can and can't pick it up from at the moment. I'll hopefully fix this at some point - probably by moving it to the top of a hill from the lake.

If you really want to find it the hard way, it is located at N58* 41.97' W131* 7.31' and the lake altitude is around 3440'AMSL.

Development Tools:

All of the objects used in this base are from the default libraries of FSX Deluxe. It has not been tested with FSX Standard, sorry, and will not work in FS9.

Other tools used during the development of this scenery were:
Instant Scenery by Flight 1 Software.
FSX Planner by ZBlue Software.
SBuilderX by Luis Sá.

Have fun!

Ian Pearson

The archive ipbb.zip has 9 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
scenery11.10.070 B
CVX_IPBB_noUTX.BGL11.10.07474 B
CVX_IPBB_UTX_CA.BGL.dis11.10.07247 B
IPBB2.bgl11.08.07952 B
IPBB1.bgl11.12.071.73 kB
Readme.txt11.13.074.50 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ11.18.07430 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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