FSX British Columbia Scenery

PreviewBritish Columbia. Dirt strips and seaplane docks between Prince Rupert (CYPR) and Nass Bay along the beautiful north coast of British Columbia, Canada. For use with Ultimate Terrain Canada FSX only. By Doug Keech.

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British Columbia. Dirt strips and seaplane docks between Prince Rupert (CYPR) and Nass Bay along the beautiful north coast of British Columbia, Canada. For use with Ultimate Terrain Canada FSX only. By Doug Keech.

British Columbia Scenery.

British Columbia Scenery.

It is a fun little area to fly ultralight, or small GA bush aircraft.

I've created two small dirt strips along the river. The first strip is located about mid-river just a few minutes flight from the mouth where the Kwinamass spills into the Portland Inlet. The second strip is farther up the Kwinamass closer to the headwaters just a few minutes flight from the lower strip. It is quite enjoyable to fly low level along the river following it's twists and turns, then practice your approaches, landings, and takeoffs at the two strips.

The closest airport to this area is Prince Rupert CYPR bearing about 172 degrees magnetic from the mouth of the Kwinamass at 31NM. Terrace airport CYXT is located miles to the SE bearing 83 degrees magnetic at 57NM.

The Kwinamass River is known locally for it's fantastic steelhead fishing.

In addition, I've created a few intermediate stops between the Kwinamass and Prince Rupert. The first is Big Bay about a 7 minute flight in my challenger ultralight north of Prince Rupert. There is a seaplane dock and a dirt strip.

The second stop in about another 12 minutes straight north on Union Lake on the NE side of Work Channel. Again, no problem on floats, and a small dirt strip as well.

The Kwinamass valley is only about another 7 minutes north from Union Lake.

Just a few minutes flight NE of the mouth of the Kwinamass is Nass Bay........a nice little hideaway for float planes. I have also placed a small dirt strip along the shoreline there.

It is great fun to flight the challenger ultralight using real weather from Prince Rupert to Nass Bay and back!


Place these bgl files into your addon scenery/scenery directory. Next place the 3 situation files (flt, wx, and fssave) into your documents/flight simulator X files directory. Restart FSX. Use the startup situation entitled "Kwinamass River Run". Enjoy!



British Columbia Scenery.

British Columbia Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

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The archive kwinamas.zip has 34 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
cvxKWINAMASS CC1.BGL11.30.08253 B
cvxKWINAMASS CC2.BGL11.30.08305 B
cvxKWINAMASS CC3.BGL11.30.08266 B
kwinamass objects.bgl11.30.081.90 kB
kwinamass upper strip objects.bgl11.30.08604 B
Kwinamass River run.FLT12.01.0811.46 kB
Kwinamass River run.FSSAVE12.01.08167.50 kB
Kwinamass River run.WX12.01.08248.72 kB
readme.txt12.20.082.02 kB
lower kwinamass strip1.jpg11.30.0873.08 kB
lower kwinamass strip2.jpg11.30.0853.30 kB
upper kwinamass strip1.jpg11.30.0866.20 kB
upper kwinamass strip2.jpg11.30.0854.26 kB
Big Bay objects.bgl12.07.08476 B
cvxBIG BAY STRIP.BGL12.07.08472 B
cvxUNION LAKE STRIP.BGL12.07.08524 B
Khutzeymateen objects.bgl12.07.08540 B
Union Lake objects.bgl12.07.08348 B
big bay approach.jpg12.07.0874.36 kB
big bay strip.jpg12.07.0883.36 kB
descent to the kwinamass.jpg12.06.08150.92 kB
Kwinamass Valley.jpg12.07.0882.47 kB
Union Lake1.jpg12.07.0896.99 kB
Union Lake2.jpg12.07.0893.08 kB
Union Lake3.jpg12.07.0867.03 kB
cvxNASS BAY TRAIL.BGL12.20.08349 B
Nass Bay objects.bgl12.20.08988 B
Kwinamass River.gif12.20.0840.37 kB
file_ID.diz12.20.08260 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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