AFCAD Enhancement For Default KLAS
McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas, Nevada (NV). By Kambiz Agazi.
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McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas, Nevada (NV). By Kambiz Agazi.
McCarran International Airport terminal map.
This airport scenery represents a modification to the default FSX KLAS. Some of the changes include: New or reworked - taxiways, vehicle paths, holding pads; cargo parking; aprons and ramp parkings; new extension to the D gates at Terminal 1 (based on google maps and the Web page); airline Terminal assignments per Web page and parking sizes optimized for MTX 5.2 and WOAI; runway lighting, markings and approach lighting, blastpads and more per airnav and google maps; all runways active; full airport scenery (except jetways) at the dense setting; landclass at the airport based on FSX stock; all new IAP's with missed approach procedures for all runways per the most current plates - it was necessary to redo the final ILS and RNAV(GPS) approaches for all Rwy's as well; and new airport buildings near the cargo area per google maps.
FSX stock KLAS contains incorrect runway specifications for all runways including a hold short issue at 19R due to an incorrect indentification of a blastpad extending the final length of the runway up to the runway start location, which should have been an offset threshold per satellite images and my recent observations at KLAS. Other issues relating to Rwy's 7R, 1R and 1L regarding hold shorts and aircraft entry points (start locations) were also modified based on current runway specifications and improve AI ground traffic flow for aircraft taking off from 7R and landing on either 1L or 1R. In order to improve traffic flow and reduce the number of "go-arounds", I also closed Rwy 7L-25R for landing (take-off only). All other Rwys are open for both landing and take off. Also, per the latest IAP charts 19R and 19L RNAV(GPS) are offset and require a final turn to land.
Note: There are three altitude holds associated with the RNAV(GPS) transitions to 25L. The holds are at SKEBR (11,000ft), POKRR (8,000ft) and KADDY (10,000ft). From KADDY, the user plane will be required to decend to 8,000 at PRIN1 to be established on the localizer and fly the Glideslope to 25L.
19R and 19L contain directional holds. The user plane will be required to make one turn prior to lining up and continuing to final.
Installation: Place KLAS_KA.bgl and optionally KLAS_ApproachLights07R.bgl and KLAS_ApproachLights19R.bgl in a scenery folder of your choice - don't forget to activate the scenery in FSX. One location could be the Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\Scenery folder. Remember that you should only have one KLAS airport scenery active at a time. Add the two effects files (*.fx) to the ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Effects folder. Start up FSX and the scenery will be active.
Note: KLAS_KA.bgl (KLAS_ApproachLights07R.bgl and KLAS_ApproachLights19R.bgl) should be placed at a higher scenery priority level in FSX as compared to other scenery in the area including UTX USA or other state or local scenery. To uninstall, simply remove/delete the files.
I have tested KLAS using FSX sp2, and while I don't anticipate issues with using the earlier versions (RTM and SP1), I cannot guarantee that the visuals will look the same on every setup. While not needed for the scenery to work, I also tested to ensure that KLAS works with UTX USA and FS Genesis USA 10m Mesh; Please note that "other" third party land class or texture add-ons may give green grass patches at KLAS. For example, please read the following as it provides information regarding the use of GEXn and "other" land class products and the appearance they will give to KLAS I have attached two pictures to this regard. One shows KLAS with default scenery and UTX USA only (my preference). The other shows KLAS with UTX USA, Scenery Tech North America and GEXn.
KLAS was tested with and AI parking sizes and assignments were optimized for MyTraffic X 5.2 AND WOAI. While KLAS will work with "other" AI packages, I can't guarantee that every airline will park at the correct Terminal.
While every attempt was made to eliminate errors, there's no such thing as "perfect" scenery. Please let me know if you come across any MAJOR errors or problems.
Acknowledgements: KLAS_KA.bgl was created using the powerful airport design utility by Jon Masterson (ADE v1.40). Please visit here: for more information.
The new approaches were created using the latest official plates (IAPs) and ADE v1.40. A special thanks to Jim Vile who is a member of the ADE team and is the author of the approach code module of ADE. The IAPs, final approaches and missed approaches to all runways would not have been possible without Jim's KIAD tutorial, KLAS_ils_JV file (please see avsim for the file) and help.
Happy Flying!
Special Notes:
KLAS includes 3 diamond crossings (2 at 7L/25R and 1 at 1R/19L) to improve ground traffic flow during peak flight times. If you keep your traffic settings below 50 you probably won't notice any difference. The DIAMOND crossing technique was first developed and introduced by Jim Vile. I used Jim's KMIA scenery located at avsim as an example to introduce this technique at KLAS.
KLAS includes a base leg approach for AI Traffic to runways 07R and 19R with a left turn to final. These non-published approaches (vectors to final) were first introduced by Jim Vile and are known as his "curved approach" technique. This technique can be seen in his KLAS_ils_JV scenery located at avsim. Please see the readme file in Jim's scenery for a more detailed explanation regarding this curved approach technique.
The purpose for this approach at KLAS is to prevent AI from flying into/through the high terrain located mainly to the west of the airport while on final to Rwys 07R or 19R (based on winds). The Las Vegas Control Tower will clear all AI Traffic (IFR FP only) landing either on 19R or 7R (based on winds) to fly a left base leg to these runways and then the AI Planes will make a left turn (curve) on a short 1.5 nm final. I used a 1.5 nm turn as I observed MOST MTX 5.2 and WOAI Planes were able to fly the curve and land on the runways (results may vary based on x-winds and FDEs).
The user will also be able to fly the "curved approach". You will notice in the FSX map view that there are two additional localizers shown for the runways. When ATC provides you with an approach and runway, you must first request a new approach (vectors to final) to either 07R or 19R (based on winds) and once ATC accepts the new approach you must request the runway to the approach. Now when ATC vectors you on the offset 30 degree intercept angle dial in the localizer freq. and you know when to turn the plane to the approach path by watching the CDI needle center. Track the CDI needle just like you are flying straight to the runway but remember that you are on a Base Leg. The turn to final will take a little practice. I have included two optional files called KLAS_ApproachLights07R.bgl and KLAS_ApproachLights19R.bgl, which contain two sets of curved approach lights to help guide the user plane to the thresholds. The strobe lights are triggered by dusk, night and dawn. A default hazard light will show during the day. If you prefer not to use these lights and towers, simply remove the files.
A word about AI Plane modelers FDE's as discussed by Jim Vile on this thread
In summary as noted by Jim Vile, "PAI did not have the best looking textures and were not Frame rate friendly but they had the best FDE's which the behavior is more toward a FS9 default plane. Arrdvark have the worst FDE's and all the rest fall in between. Most Arrdvarks cannot land/roll out very well unless a ILS approach code exist. Thank goodness for a ILS approach code which can make any AI Plane look good on the approach and landing. Roll out is another story."
This comment is worth noting as I have observed that many of the WOAI planes that I tested at KLAS had trouble flying the curved approach and landing on the runway at 7R. In contrast, most of the MyTraffic X planes (DX10 compatible schedules) landed on the runway. It's possible that you could see varying results depending on the quality of the FDE's that are being used.
The archive has 19 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
KLAS with UTX NO ST or GEXn.gif | 06.10.09 | 317.82 kB |
D GATES.jpg | 03.26.09 | 8.05 kB |
TERMINAL MAP.jpg | 03.26.09 | 46.17 kB |
A GATES.jpg | 03.26.09 | 8.30 kB |
B GATES.jpg | 03.26.09 | 8.74 kB |
C GATES.jpg | 03.26.09 | 10.24 kB |
I GATES TERMINAL 2.jpg | 03.26.09 | 6.59 kB |
KLAS with UTX, ST AND GEXn.jpg | 03.24.09 | 195.52 kB |
KLAS_KA.BGL | 07.12.09 | 126.80 kB |
fx_KLAS19R.fx | 04.05.09 | 4.77 kB |
fx_KLAS07R.fx | 04.05.09 | 4.75 kB |
KLAS_ApproachLights19R.BGL | 04.06.09 | 11.42 kB |
KLAS_ApproachLights07R.BGL | 04.06.09 | 14.14 kB |
Readme.txt | 07.12.09 | 8.20 kB |
19Rapproachlights2.gif | 04.05.09 | 495.27 kB |
07R Curved Approach 1.gif | 06.10.09 | 470.19 kB |
07Rapproachlights.gif | 04.07.09 | 347.80 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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