FSX KLM Cargo (Royal Dutch Airlines) Boeing 747-406ERF
Experience the characteristic cargo operations of KLM Cargo (Royal Dutch Airlines) with this Boeing 747-406ERF (registration PH-CKD, cn 1382) packaged for Flight Simulator X. This freeware release merges the Project Open Sky B747-400ERF (SCD) Version 4 model with a repaint by Paul Craig. It inclu...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 4.9K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- klmcargoposky747-406erf.zip
- File size
- 12.02 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 25 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Experience the characteristic cargo operations of KLM Cargo (Royal Dutch Airlines) with this Boeing 747-406ERF (registration PH-CKD, cn 1382) packaged for Flight Simulator X. This freeware release merges the Project Open Sky B747-400ERF (SCD) Version 4 model with a repaint by Paul Craig. It includes 32-bit textures as well as DXT3 options, plus a comprehensive operation manual housed within the package.
Key Highlights of the 747-406ERF
The Boeing 747-406ERF (Extended Range Freighter) is an advanced variation of the famous 747 series, designed to handle heavier loads and traverse longer sectors. KLM Cargo, a branch of Royal Dutch Airlines, uses this extended-range platform to efficiently transport freight worldwide.
KLM Cargo Boeing 747-406ERF in flight.
Development Team and Authors
Project Open Sky led the creation of the original model and dynamics, with contributions by:
- Model: Hiroshi Igami
- Flight Dynamics: Warren C. Daniel · Brandon D. Henry
- 747 Series Masters: Corey Ford · Yosuke Ube
- Painter: Ryan C
- Testing: Project Open Sky Members
This specific liveried repaint was completed by Paul Craig.
Technical Animations and Features
This aircraft, primarily designed for FS2004, uses XML-coded enhancements that add to its realism:
- Wing and Gear Mechanics
- Dynamic flexing wings, body gear steering below 15 knots, and tilting bogies for an authentic ground stance.
- Control Lock Systems
- Nose gear steering below 60 knots, rudder lock below 60 knots, and low-speed aileron locks at higher velocities.
- Full Control Surface Animations
- Every primary flight control, from elevators to rudder, is fully animated.
- Opening Doors and Cargo Access
- Passenger doors, cargo doors, and bulk compartments all open using standard Shift+E key sequences.
- Other Operational Elements
- Ground spoilers remain active on the tarmac only, rolling wheels, animated thrust reversers, complete night lighting, plus the inclusion of ground service vehicles for cargo loading.
Compatibility Note
Although the package includes files clearly intended for FSX, the development team has indicated that certain specialized animations or visuals may not function correctly in Flight Simulator X. They do not offer dedicated FSX support for these issues.
Multiple screenshots of the KLM Cargo Boeing 747-406ERF.
Installation Procedures
- Extract: Decompress the downloaded archive into a chosen temporary folder.
- Place Aircraft Files: Copy the “Boeing OS744V4 ERF” folder into your main FSX SimObjects > Airplanes directory.
- Improve Frame Rates (Optional): If needed, overwrite the existing textures with the ones from the “DXT3 Textures” folder. Move these into the “Texture.Lufthansa BVP” subfolder in the main aircraft directory to reduce graphical load.
- Install Effects: Copy the contents of “747-effects” into your FSX > Effects folder.
Door Operation and Cargo Access
Use the following key combinations for specific door and cargo compartments:
- Shift + E: Opens the primary passenger door (L1).
- Shift + E + 2: Opens main cargo doors.
- Shift + E + 3: Opens the secondary passenger door (L2).
- Shift + E + 4: Activates bulk cargo door.
This is a complete freeware package on Fly Away Simulation, featuring both the model and textures. Whether you are interested in heavy freight operations or simply expanding your virtual airline hangar, this meticulously detailed KLM Cargo Boeing 747-406ERF provides a solid platform for long-haul cargo flights.
The archive klmcargoposky747-406erf.zip has 129 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
747-400 checklist.pdf | 01.24.04 | 14.32 kB |
747-effects | 08.07.11 | 0 B |
Opensky_747_vclight.fx | 10.02.02 | 1.31 kB |
Opensky_beacon.fx | 02.12.02 | 3.04 kB |
Opensky_conden.fx | 10.03.02 | 3.15 kB |
Opensky_condens.fx | 09.08.02 | 2.71 kB |
Opensky_logo_light.fx | 10.03.02 | 1.31 kB |
Opensky_nacelle_refl.fx | 09.29.02 | 1.29 kB |
Opensky_nav_yellow.fx | 03.24.04 | 3.07 kB |
Opensky_sparks.fx | 09.08.02 | 7.05 kB |
Opensky_vortex.fx | 10.08.03 | 1.23 kB |
Opensky_wing_light.fx | 09.29.02 | 1.31 kB |
B747_OPERATIONS_MANUAL_v3.pdf | 03.11.07 | 2.94 MB |
Boeing OS744V4 ERF | 08.07.11 | 0 B |
747-400ERF-GE-CF6-80C2B5F.air | 12.23.07 | 9.17 kB |
Aircraft.cfg | 08.07.11 | 31.46 kB |
boeing747_check.htm | 08.08.10 | 70.73 kB |
boeing747_check_files | 08.07.11 | 0 B |
filelist.xml | 08.08.10 | 175 B |
image001.gif | 08.08.10 | 11.13 kB |
boeing747_ref.htm | 08.08.10 | 34.14 kB |
boeing747_ref_files | 08.07.11 | 0 B |
filelist.xml | 08.08.10 | 173 B |
image001.gif | 08.08.10 | 11.13 kB |
model | 08.07.11 | 0 B |
B747_400_interior.mdl | 11.19.07 | 1.41 MB |
model.cfg | 08.02.11 | 63 B |
OSX744FV4_CF6-80.MDL | 12.22.09 | 2.70 MB |
panel | 08.07.11 | 0 B |
panel.cfg | 05.22.11 | 30 B |
sound | 08.07.11 | 0 B |
Sound.cfg | 08.08.10 | 32 B |
texture.KLM Cargo | 08.07.11 | 0 B |
Os_st_t.bmp | 04.16.08 | 1.00 MB |
Os_wt500e_l.bmp | 10.22.08 | 1.00 MB |
Os_wt500e_t.bmp | 10.21.08 | 1.00 MB |
OS742_Parts_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS742_Parts_T.bmp | 06.09.07 | 4.00 MB |
OS742_Parts2_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS742_Parts2_T.bmp | 03.10.07 | 256.07 kB |
OS742_Parts3_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS742_Parts3_T.bmp | 03.29.07 | 256.07 kB |
OS742_TEFLAPGUIDE_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS742_TEFLAPGUIDE_T.bmp | 03.29.07 | 64.07 kB |
Os742CARGO_INTERIOR_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
Os742CARGO_INTERIOR_T.bmp | 04.16.08 | 256.07 kB |
Os744_COCKPIT_l.BMP | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
Os744_COCKPIT_T.BMP | 09.11.07 | 256.07 kB |
Os744_COCKPITWINDOW_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
Os744_COCKPITWINDOW_T.bmp | 10.01.07 | 256.07 kB |
Os744_wing_l_in_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
Os744_wing_l_in_T.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
Os744_wing_l_out_l.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
Os744_wing_l_out_T.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
Os744_wing_r_in_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
Os744_wing_r_in_T.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
Os744_wing_r_out_l.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
Os744_wing_r_out_T.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
Os744F_FWD_CARGO.bmp | 05.18.08 | 256.07 kB |
Os744Fbody_l_l.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
Os744Fbody_l_t.bmp | 08.07.11 | 4.00 MB |
Os744Fbody_r_l.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
Os744Fbody_r_t.bmp | 08.07.11 | 4.00 MB |
Os744L1DOOR_l.BMP | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
Os744L1DOOR_T.BMP | 04.16.08 | 256.07 kB |
Os744L2DOOR_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
Os744L2DOOR_T.bmp | 04.16.08 | 256.07 kB |
OS744Option - Copy.bmp | 02.20.11 | 64.07 kB |
OS744Option.bmp | 02.20.11 | 64.07 kB |
Os747_ANTCOL_RED.BMP | 05.18.07 | 1.43 kB |
Os747_GLASSCOVER_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
Os747_GLASSCOVER_T.bmp | 12.01.06 | 1.43 kB |
Os747CARGO_INTERIOR_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
Os747CARGO_INTERIOR_T.bmp | 05.18.08 | 256.07 kB |
Os747CF6-80_fanblurred.bmp | 02.19.11 | 256.07 kB |
Os747CF6-80_fanSlow.bmp | 02.19.11 | 256.07 kB |
Os747cf6-80_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747CF6-80_Pylon_l.BMP | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747CF6-80_Pylon_T.BMP | 08.07.11 | 4.00 MB |
Os747cf6-80_t.bmp | 08.07.11 | 4.00 MB |
Os747CONTAINER_FRONT.bmp | 06.04.07 | 256.07 kB |
Os747CONTAINER_REAR.bmp | 06.07.07 | 256.07 kB |
OS747F__INTERIOR_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747F__INTERIOR_T.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
OS747F_NOSE_LOGO.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
Os747F_SCD_CARGO.BMP | 08.05.11 | 1.00 MB |
OS747frontwheel_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747frontwheel_T.bmp | 05.27.07 | 64.07 kB |
OS747maintire_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747maintire_T.bmp | 05.27.07 | 64.07 kB |
OS747mainwheelF_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747mainwheelF_T.bmp | 05.28.07 | 64.07 kB |
OS747mainwheelR_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747mainwheelR_T.bmp | 05.28.07 | 64.07 kB |
OS747nosetire_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747nosetire_T.bmp | 05.27.07 | 64.07 kB |
Os747shaft_t.bmp | 01.06.07 | 5.43 kB |
OS747SP_Option.BMP | 12.09.06 | 5.43 kB |
Os747tailstand_l.bmp | 06.08.07 | 1.07 kB |
Os747tailstand_t.bmp | 06.06.07 | 256.07 kB |
OS747wingwheelF_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747wingwheelF_T.bmp | 05.28.07 | 64.07 kB |
OS747wingwheelR_l.bmp | 03.25.07 | 1.07 kB |
OS747wingwheelR_T.bmp | 05.28.07 | 64.07 kB |
Osbl_i_l.bmp | 06.08.07 | 1.07 kB |
Osbl_i_t.bmp | 06.07.07 | 1.00 MB |
Oshl_i_l.bmp | 06.08.07 | 1.07 kB |
Oshl_i_t.bmp | 06.06.07 | 1.00 MB |
Osll_i_l.bmp | 06.08.07 | 1.07 kB |
Osll_i_t.bmp | 06.06.07 | 1.00 MB |
Osll2_i_l.bmp | 06.08.07 | 1.07 kB |
Osll2_i_t.bmp | 06.06.07 | 1.00 MB |
thumbnail.jpg | 08.07.11 | 10.90 kB |
Thumbs.db | 06.14.08 | 113.00 kB |
DXT3 Textures | 08.07.11 | 0 B |
Os744Fbody_l_t.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
Os744Fbody_r_t.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
OS747CF6-80_Pylon_T.BMP | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
Os747cf6-80_t.bmp | 08.07.11 | 1.00 MB |
EULA.txt | 11.29.09 | 938 B |
FILE_ID.DIZ | 08.07.11 | 293 B |
Installation Readme.txt | 08.07.11 | 1.33 kB |
KLM Cargo Boeing 747-406ERF Screenshot (1).jpg | 08.07.11 | 109.88 kB |
KLM Cargo Boeing 747-406ERF Screenshot (2).jpg | 08.07.11 | 279.19 kB |
KLM Cargo Boeing 747-406ERF Screenshot (3).jpg | 08.07.11 | 74.50 kB |
POSKY README.txt | 12.13.08 | 3.18 kB |
thumbnail.png | 08.07.11 | 58.18 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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Unable to retract rear undercarriage...only nose wheel retracts.