Software Reviews

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Editor's selection articles last updated Mon, 03 Mar 2025 23:19:43 GMT

RailWorks 2 Train Simulator Review

X-Plane 10 Review

Review: Alabeo's Diamond DA42 'Twin Star' for FSX/P3D

Around the World in 80 Flights Review

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Just Flight Vickers VC10 Jetliner for FSX/P3D Review

Posted on Wed, 13 Jun 2018 18:10:01 GMT

The VC10 is an important part of aviation history, playing an important role in the Royal Air Force for quite some time. First taking to the skies in 1962, it was built by Vickers-Armstrong until 1970. That 8-year span, though, produced a memorable aircraft that was still being used by the RAF some time in 2013.

Alabeo Mooney M20R Ovation for FSX/P3D Review

Posted on Sun, 01 Apr 2018 15:04:38 GMT

As one of a large number of Alabeo released for FSX and P3D, the M20R Ovation, released in September, adds to a growing collection. As part of the Mooney Aircraft Company, the M20 was a very impressive model for its time. This review will take a closer look at the M20R Ovation created by Alabeo, to help you determine if it’s worth trying out.

Aerosoft CRJ 700/900 X for FSX/P3D Review

Posted on Sat, 06 Jan 2018 17:06:18 GMT

As a wider part of some of the bigger Aerosoft releases in recent times, the new Aerosoft release covering the Canadair Regional Jet (CRJ) 700 and 900 aircraft is a special one. Developed by the Bombardier firm, this aircraft group has been among the most popular of its kind. However, they’ve never been properly translated into a simulation environment in as much detail as this.

Just Flight Piper PA-28R Arrow III Review for FSX/P3D

Posted on Sat, 27 May 2017 20:03:39 GMT

Having been in development for some time, this release has been a long time coming. The Just Flight PA-28R Arrow III is an FSX and P3D compatible take on a popular aircraft model. Whether you are a fan of the aircraft or just curious, it’s definitely worth taking the time to try out.

FSXWX Flight Simulator Weather Engine Review

Posted on Mon, 22 May 2017 11:20:22 GMT

For years, one of the most common complaints that people have had about Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D has been the lack of weather quality. While only a part of the overall feature and the atmosphere of flying an aircraft, it’s something that completes the look. Indeed, the quality and detail of the weather should matter a great deal more than it has in the past. Well, with the help of the latest release of FSXWX, users of both simulators can enjoy a far more realistic and progressive weather effect when flying in a simulator.

C-17A Globemaster III for FSX/P3D by Virtavia Review

Posted on Mon, 05 Dec 2016 16:35:33 GMT

Every now and then, an aircraft comes along that you’ve been dying to fly again. Having always had a love for Boeing aircraft, I was excited to try out this Virtavia take on the Boeing C-17A GlobeMaster III. So, when I got the chance to give it a go, I just had to let you guys know what I thought of it.

de Havilland DH.104 'Dove' and 'Devon' Review (FSX/P3D)

Posted on Thu, 01 Dec 2016 11:00:00 GMT

Although no longer in significant service today, a part of the charm of simulation is revisiting the past. Today, we’re going to take a look at the de Havilland Dove. The aircraft has an interesting history, and was an aircraft that took place in many different activities and engagements. However, it’s an aircraft that has been created in the past to great effect.

Orbx Victa Airtourer Review (FSX/FSX:SE/P3D)

Posted on Wed, 30 Nov 2016 15:12:05 GMT

In this review, we’ll be taking a look at the Victa Airtourer, an aircraft with a huge amount of history and prestige. The information and opinion gathered in this guide came as a result of both research of the real aircraft, comparisons with the specifications provided by the developers, and personal opinion over several hours of usage. So, after more than enough flying to get used to the aircraft, what did we make of the Airtourer?

A2A Piper PA-24 Comanche 250 Review

Posted on Mon, 21 Sep 2015 13:54:58 GMT

A2A Simulations have been around for some time, creating engaging and exciting aircraft modifications that manage to really capture the little things that make simulation such a fun thing to be a part of. Having been built between 1957 and 1972 regularly, this aircraft carries a lot of history and a lot of nostalgia for older pilots, but also remains an interesting choice for those of a newer generation who want to try out a real classic of the skies. The low wings and the monocoque construction ensures that the aircraft flies quite different to smaller aircraft you may be more used to.

Review: Alabeo's Diamond DA42 'Twin Star' for FSX/P3D

Posted on Mon, 24 Aug 2015 14:13:23 GMT

As you will no doubt have heard in the past, Alabeo are one of the most well respected members of the flight simulation community due to their overall quality and their class as a team of modelers, skinners and developers.

Review: USS Enterprise Aircraft Carrier for FSX/P3D by Team SDB

Posted on Tue, 16 Jun 2015 14:40:15 GMT

For many years, aircraft carriers have played a key role in military aviation. It’s been the stopping point and starting point for many aircrafts over recent decades, giving them an easy place to take off from when they were low on fuel or in need of repairs. Aircraft carriers alone have completely revolutionized the way that we fight and take the battle to other parts of the world, and for that reason it’s become one of the most prominent parts of military planning for quite some time.

Aerosoft Mega Airport London Heathrow Xtended Review

Posted on Wed, 06 May 2015 12:53:23 GMT

As you might imagine, when you first start using a flight simulator you will want to be able to fully understand everything that is has to offer you. It needs to look realistic, authentic and truly responsive to what you are asking for. As you may have noticed yourself, though, this is pretty hard to do. With the entire world effectively being covered by flight simulators today, it can be hard for the developers to find the manpower, resources and technology to make the entire world look as realistic as possible.

Aerosoft's Mega Airport Lisbon v2 Scenery Add-on: A Review

Posted on Thu, 16 Apr 2015 21:51:40 GMT

As one of the most prominent cities in Europe, it’s no surprise that plenty of people want to fly to Lisbon – having been myself in reality, I’ve always wanted to see the stunning Lisbon airport done up to its full grandeur and capacity in a flight simulator. It’s a truly awesome city to be in, and the quality of the airport there is absolutely awesome as well. Well, having been a huge fan of this location for many years you can imagine that there was plenty of smiles when the Mega Airport Lisbon v2.0 package was released.

Accu-Sim Cessna 182 Skylane by A2A Simulations Review

Posted on Tue, 14 Apr 2015 17:14:59 GMT

When it comes to flying specific aircraft in a simulator, it’s very important that you can turn to the most unique representations out there on the web. After all, without authenticity there really isn’t much point in getting involved. This is why being able to access the various creations from across the web, made by simulation fans as well as modding professionals and aviation specialists,

Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition Review

Posted on Thu, 19 Feb 2015 18:37:53 GMT

If you have been a fan of flight simulation for some time, then you’ll no doubt be aware of just how effective the Microsoft Flight Simulator series has been over the years. It’s become the absolute staple of flight simulation quality and realism for many years and is one of the flagship Microsoft gaming products. The most recent release, Flight Simulator X, was hugely received at the time and quickly established itself as the key player within the flight simulation industry.

A2A Simulations PA-28 Cherokee 180 Review

Posted on Thu, 19 Feb 2015 16:21:26 GMT

As massive fans of the popular brand of aircraft produced by A2A Simulations, it’s no surprise that we were more than happy to try out their latest release – the PA-28 Cherokee 180. It’s got class and style in abundance, whist also offering you something a bit more whimsical to try out. In true A2A style this comes with all the bells and whistles that you might be expecting, but just how good is it in the end? Does it really give you everything that you need to get the most out of your flight simulation experience?

Train Simulator 2015 Review

Posted on Wed, 18 Feb 2015 11:17:55 GMT

As any good simulation fan will know, the market is expanding all the time. Whilst Microsoft Flight Simulator is probably the most well-known of all the kinds out there, the simulation genre has spanned countless different industries and styles. From the likes of Theme Park and SimCity that allowed you to take on management properties of corporations and cities to the individual simulators out there like flight simulations, you’ve got so much to choose form that takes you a little bit further beyond “the norm” for what a gaming experience typically delivers.

IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad Review

Posted on Mon, 09 Feb 2015 09:41:24 GMT

Out of all the video game genres out there, the flight simulation niche seems to be one of the least popular for variety. In the modern times, we’ve have the various flight simulators released by Microsoft and a few similar approaches, but outside of that there’s not been too many epics out there on to take to the skies in. The problem seems to be a lack of realism, or a lack of features.

Warbirdsim Mustang Tales: Post WWII and Navy Service Review

Posted on Tue, 25 Nov 2014 13:07:26 GMT

Mustang Tales: Post WWII and Navy Service is a combination of 18 North American Aviation P-51D Mustangs, a World War II aircraft carrier of the United States Navy, and 22 simulation flights using various models at various locations.

Alabeo Diamond DA40 for FSX Review

Posted on Mon, 11 Aug 2014 14:46:31 GMT

The DA40 Star is a light, single-engine, low-wing, composite aircraft designed and manufactured by Diamond Aircraft of Austria. First flown in 1997, it is a four-seat expansion of the earlier DA20. Manufactured in Austria and Canada, it is popular with flying schools and militaries around the world for flight training.

2 pages with 34 posts.
